Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Estoy una hospedadora.

It's Spring Break time for schools in the US!!  And that means visitor season for me!! Woohoo!  I get to be doubly blessed this week!
First, Amy Hohulin is visiting from Bloomington.  She's with me in NY for a few days then we'll head down to DC.
 Amy Burrito.
Second, some of my Maier cousins are out for a family vacation!  They are staying in Queens, but we met up and had a great time enjoying each other and the city on Tuesday!

The Maiers in Central Park, L to R: Me, Marcus, Heidi, Gretchen, Ben, Patty

The Maiers + Amy in Central Park looking over Wollman Skating Rink, L to R: Patty, Amy, Gretchen, Heidi, Ben, Marcus

 Mid-Manhattan Library, the Rose Main Reading Room.  
"A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life." - John Milton

Photos/video were taken at The Big Piano in F.A.O. Schwartz.  You can use your imagination for that though!! :)


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