Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Estoy orando.

Esther is one of the Fellows from Spain who is with us for the next couple of months.  They have a phrase in Spain, "Matas a un gato y te llaman matagatos." Roughly translated meaning that it only takes one event for a nickname/reputation to be made.  I said 'roughly' because I entered at the tail end of a conversation the other day when Esther was trying to translate it literally and all I caught was "we... will.. call... him... KillCat!"  Much laughter was had by all!

I went to CT this past weekend. Packing up to leave the hospital early on Friday, so I could make it before the Friday afternoon traffic going East on 84 was at its worst, the Fellow from Turkey, Kazim, approached asking what I was doing.  It still takes a bit of patience to successfully communicate, but he is improving his English slowly.  So speaking as basically as I could he soon understood that it had something to do with 'church.'  He immediately brightened when he understood 'church.' And in his broken English I think he was asking me to pray for him.  I must have assumed correctly because one of the first things he asked me when he saw me yesterday was, "You...pray...me?" Of course I did Kazim! :) hmmmmm, did a door just open?


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