Thursday, February 20, 2014

Estoy plantandome.

I got an email yesterday from the NRMP not so politely reminding me in bolded and highlighted letters that I have not yet entered and/or certified my rank order list for the Match.
Then followed their reminder with an even bigger red and emboldened warning that...The deadline to certify a rank order list is Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:00 PM eastern time.

I know what you're thinking.  And you're fine, even justified, to think so.  To tell you the truth, I'm thinking the same thing myself. So why then?  Why do I stand here my head perpetually swiveling back and forth....back and forth.  From one direction to the other.  Back and forth.  But my feet don't move.

One of my friends, Maggie Schrenk, one of those friends that you have decades of history with, is here visiting for a few days.  She's come at a great time as I get to verbalize to someone just what keeps my thoughts perpetually occupied these days.  There is no answer she can provide.  I know there's no answer.  But at least it keeps me from feeling the need to hash it all out in writing to the universe.  

I will say one thing though.  One thing from among the million that is seemingly inhibiting me from this rank list....

I look to the right and Jesus is there with love and service to devote my life to for Him.  I look to the left and Jesus is there once again with love and service to fill my life.  There is no wrong direction at this juncture.  But is there a right direction? 



Anonymous said...

Smile, Christy!

Anonymous said...

how could you forget to rank? seriously! wow--this is your future---don't let something like this slip by.....