Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yo estoy aguantando mi respiracion....hasta graduarme.

This last month is a great big juggling act. I'm in urology and pain management rotations. However, pain and urology are not ment to be rotated through at the same time so of course my hours for both overlap. So I spent a good portion of this morning working with various doctors to get it sorted out. It doesn't help that I am going to have to end urology early, but won't have that schedule until next week. Sigh. Thankfully though, for the first time in a whole year I was actually on the schedule at least, meaning I was already issued a list number, and it was a list number that lined up with actividades already on the schedule. I had stopped by the escolar office last week while at HAL to get put on the list for these rotations, and was completely shocked to discover they already had me on the respective lists. I had started hyperventilating I was in such shock. This morning was the first time of my entire 4th year I knew where I was supposed to be and when to be there to start my rotation.....of course I didn't know anything after that but I at least knew when and where to start. Although for pain it ended up not really mattering because of the conflicting schedules my pain schedule has been 100% changed. Basically in place of HAL hours I'll have to find my way to a hospital way outside of GDL (in Tlajomulco) to do hours on Saturday. I'm actually a little excited about this opportunity because it's a brand new hospital (less than a year old) with no residents, interns nor students meaning I'll basically get free range to do whatever I want to find myself in the ORs maybe! ;)

I stopped by the escolar office once again today to pick up my carga academica; basically a piece of paper that proves I'm actually enrolled in classes. Sometimes you have to show it to take an exam, sometimes not, depends on the rotation. Anyways I picked mine up, signed for it, turned to leave and then froze in the doorway. My carga academica reported a 5 for my entire last semester. I blinked thinking maybe I'd read it wrong, but I hadn't. Truely enough it was a 5 staring back at me from that yellow piece of paper. 5 = FAIL...NO PASS. 1st reaction: haha...haha...nice joke. 2nd reaction: wait, why would someone joke about this. 3rd reaction: accident?... panic...mistake maybe?...panic 4th reaction: crud
I asked the ladies about it, and with a check of their computers they could at least tell me why my 7th semester was registering as a 5. I was thankful it was a problem I could set about fixing immediately, but at the same time I was annoyed because it was a problem I had spent 3 weeks fixing last semester but had no actual paperwork to prove I'd already fixed it. I found my way to the office the escolar directed me to and then settled into a chair prepared to wait for hours if need be as the doctora I needed to talk to wasn't coming for another two hours and whomever the secretary was trying to call wasn't answering their phone. But praise Jesus, within 15 minutes the secretary suddenly told me to head back to the escolar and they'd give me a new carga.

It's why I call it a juggling game. How many more curve balls is UAG going to throw at me? I feel like I have to tip toe through these last weeks. Nearing the end of the semester leaves such little time to fix "curve ball" problems.


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