Friday, May 4, 2012

Yo estoy mirando.

In consult the other day (although we weren't technically "consulting" because we didn't have a patient) my Latin classmates were talking about sneakers and one mentioned he liked the sneakers made with peanuts.  The others contradicted his opinion, but I lost track of the conversation because I wondered how in the world someone came up with a shoe made out of peanuts.  I tuned back into the conversation and it wasn't but 2 seconds and I realized they were talking about Snickers.  Ooooooh!  Candy not shoes afterall; talk about lost in translation.  Snickers with a Spanish accent = sneakers.

I sold my bed yesterday!! I'm so thankful to be getting rid of all this stuff!  So I'm back to sleeping on the floor for the next 4 weeks....seems to be a theme with me this semester.  If you add it up I'll have spent more time sleeping on the floor than in a bed this semester.  I've got my air mattress blown up so I'm not directly on the tile.  I think it's kind of appropriate I started in my apartment 3 1/2 years ago with this air mattress so now I get to end the same way.  I remember that January 2009. It was freezing in GDL.  Seriously temps actually got down to 32 at night more than once.  Meaning my apartment which had absolutely no furniture in it but a folding chair and an air mattress was an ice cube.  I'd be in layers with every single blanket I'd brought down covering me and still shiver myself to sleep.  That might have been the worst winter I ever survived.  Who'd ever believe a winter in Mexico to be worse than Illinois were the houses have carpeted floors and central heating...who'd ever?  I've been scared of winter in GDL ever since but thankfully 2009 never repeated itself.  Praise Jesus!  Anyways, back to the bed.  Once I got my bed and started sleeping off of the floor it was a noticeable difference in warmth so I was excited at the prospect of that same effect in reverse.  And I have to say that even though I still had to sleep without covers I at least wasn't sweating when I woke up this morning.

Eventhough it's definitely hot during the day it still gets down to about 60 by 6:00 am so it's a nice chill as I head to HAL.  Most are wearing some sort of jacket or coat but I refuse.  I pull on a short sleeved shirt and hope that the chill gets all the way to my bones, but the sun always comes out before that ever happens. 

The last couple of days I've been waking up extra early to work on a presentation.  This morning as my alarms started going off I was confused to hear a roommate knocking on the door of another trying to wake her up.  I wondered why they were waking up so early but not enough to actually ask them.  Turns out they hadn't ment to wake up so early but a rat had decided otherwise.  Roommate #1 had been woken up by a rat on her bed scratching her arm.  Oh lordy!  All the lovely surprises this place has that I just won't miss when I'm gone.  Maybe I'm speaking too early.  What's to say my small 16' x 18' studio in New York isn't cockroach and rat infected?

I picked up my graduation invitations today before leaving HAL.  I hadn't been in GDL when the class meeting was held and everything was voted on, but I'm told they requested the invitations to be printed in English.....they're in Spanish.  Way to go UAG!  Each class votes for a padrino, kind of like a faculty member to honor.  Turns out at the meeting they'd voted for Dra. Prado yet the invitations are printed with a Dra. Montano as the padrino.  You're on a roll UAG!! I'm thankful I at least know Dra. Montano.  I had her as a doctor when I rotated through Pulmonology back in 5th semester, but we all called her Bernadette.  I did like her though.  So I guess I'm going to roll my eyes, type up a translation, and then save one invitation for myself and let the others sit on my desk until they eventually find their way to the trash.


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