Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yo estoy ocupada.

It's rare times like these when I really really would like a TV in order to watch the World Cup games, when I am, at the same time, most grateful that I don't have one. I don't know if I'd be able to not watch. Bev Schlatter, who's stayed the last two weeks in Ixtlan joined me in GDL on Thursday. It was a blast to have a friend, an amiga, to talk with and walk around the city with for a day. I took her downtown and it was during the time of the Mexico, France game. Loud cheers came out of every doorway and store front as we passed by so we took those as good signs! We were able to park and find a TV in time to see the last three minutes as Mexico kept France at nil for a 2-0 win! For hours after that you could still hear horns honking and blow horns blowing! It was an amazing day with first a win for Greece and then MEXICOOOOOOOOOOO! The rest of the day I couldn't help but randomly turn to Bev to say outloud how excited I still was that Mexico had won. Thankfully she would just laugh each time.

I was sad to see my excitement of Thursday wither after a disappointing German loss, and then the US only squeaking by with another tie. It was a slight encouragment though to see England's tie with Algeria, it means US still has a shot at moving on to the next round. One thing for sure, this World Cup has already proved to be full of surprises.

I dropped Bev off at the airport on Friday, and then since I was headed in that direction kept on going all the way to Ixtlan. It was the worst traffic I've ever had on my way. It took me about 3 hours to get here. It'll be an extended weekend for me as it'll be my last weekend for almost two months. I'll miss the summer goings on of Ixtlan while I'm gone.

In addition:
- I should have mentioned this a while ago, but I have been corrected that the plural of octopus is octopi. I never did like English. (I just had to ask Jan how to spell plural :/
- When making my study schedules I knew I needed two hours for a lunch break. Just from past experience I know it takes me about two hours to relax enough to go back to studying. It sounds like a long time, but then I realized that two hours is the normal lunch break here in Mexico. I'm acclimating in ways without even realizing it.
- I'm also starting to get used to the warmer weather. It's almost everyday now that I'll be studying and realize that I'm sweating. GROAN! I've started refridgerating my water now. Knowing this though, is worrying me that I'm going to get sick when I come home. It's hot, but not really humid, only after a rain. So if Illinois is real humid it'll be hard for me to get used to that. And then of course, anywhere that has air conditioning and I'm automatically freezing. So I'll be going back and forth between too hot and too cold.

There was another bullet point I had wanted to add, but of course I forget what it was at the moment.


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