Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yo estoy ocupada.

Friday I walked past some workers working on a flower bed. They had flooded the borders, and as I walked by I smelled mud! It smelled so good. We get our nose full of dust and dirt, but never mud. It made me think that being home this summer I'll get to smell lots of mud. I may have to make a mud pie just cause.

We were a big family this weekend in Ixtlan, eight of us around the table. Jan commented to me that it reminded her of 'back in the day' when she cooked daily for 9 with inevitably an addition here and there.
While getting getting breakfast ready this morning Jan and I had a rather random conversation about tenacity that led us to comparing women to octapuses (or is it octapusi?) 2 points if you can recognize the connecting factor!

and last but in no way least! WORLD CUP STARTS THIS WEEK!!! Starting June 11th every country in the world, but the US, stops. An example, here there's been a countdown going since January, whereas no one even mentioned the Winter Olympics. My plea....anyone going to South Africa in the next month, TAKE ME WITH YOU!.....or at least bring me back a shirt.

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