I'm home. USA lost. I can't decide if I want to run around singing or sit down and cry...so I think I'll just go to bed instead.
Nah, I'm exaggerating. I'm blessed to be home for awhile, and very greatful that travels today went well, although when some scary looking officials carted Issa and Lupita off behind closed doors at customs in Atlanta I wasn't too sure what was going on, but all ended well. And though heartbroken at USA's loss I know I'll find a way to go on...maybe...I hope ;) Arriving at Atlanta airport I felt fairly confident that since the US was in the final 16 the concourse T.Vs for sure would be showing the game. I was sorely, sorely disappointed. Not a single one. So Issa, Lupita and I played Dutch Blitz waiting for our connection instead.
I wasn't exaggerating about the going to bed part.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Yo estoy con pelo largo.
I lost my rubber band while running last night. This was the third time it had happened and it finally succeeded in frustrating me. It happens when my hair is braided. I'm joggin' along not paying attention to my hair until I realize that the rhythmic bouncing of my braid on my back has disappeared and in its place is a whole lot of mess. I guess why it upset me so last night was because it happened at the beginning of my run instead of the end as it has in the past. I retraced my path for a bit then ran the whole block again with no luck in finding the lost rubber band. I gave up and pressed on holding my hair in my hand. I normally run with my elbows in and my hands up so I surmised that people glancing from their cars wouldn't really notice anything. But of course a man whom I don't recall ever seeing before was walking his dog and I ended up passing him 5 times. He will forever remember the dork who runs while holding her hair.
To the Future Wearer of my Hair:
I thought of you as I ran last night. You even made me smile as I held my hair like a dork. I know that because of this hair you will one day actually have the option to either hold your hair as I've done or to remember to tighten the rubber band. I love you.
To the Future Wearer of my Hair:
I thought of you as I ran last night. You even made me smile as I held my hair like a dork. I know that because of this hair you will one day actually have the option to either hold your hair as I've done or to remember to tighten the rubber band. I love you.
Signed: The Grower of your Hair
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Yo estoy BiEn EmOcIaNaDa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my Word! Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!! That was so exciting and I wasn't even watching live, just tuned into the Matchcast on fifa.com. I feel like i'm hoarse and I wasn't even cheering out loud. USA USA USA. Wow! I wish there was someone here with me that I could be excited with instead of limiting myself to jumping around my apartment. Studying will go well for awhile now as I'm wide awake and my blood sure is pumpin!
I was going to blog this yesterday, but though 3 posts in one day would be a new record for me I figured it was a bit overkill.
- A census taker buzzed at my door yesterday. It was fast as he basically just asked me the questions and filled out the form for me. I was thankful for that as it was obvious he didn't ask me everything, just what was necessary making it go really fast. So for the next 10 years I've increased Mexico's population by 1. Oh Yeah Baby!
- I took the following picture on my way home from Ixtlan this past monday. When i got into the city I saw this car with a message on it's back window that I thought was cute. Had the brillant idea to take a picture of it, but by the time I got my camera out it was too far ahead of me. So I just raced to catch up with it :)
Papi: Eres el mejor papá del mundo. Mi papá es mi HEROE.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Yo estoy aliviada.
Games are over. Mexico lost to Uruguay, but thankfully France was able to keep South Africa to just two goals and therefore Mexico is still the one to advance, in addition to Uruguay, on account of their total goals made.
USA doesn't have this cushion that Mexico had....oh dear, I'm hoping for some magic footwork.
This past weekend in Ixtlan many of the kids that hadn't come on a while showed their faces again. It was great to see them. Going to school is just an option not normally taken by many of these kids leaving some of them illiterate. They are the kids that no one expects anything from them, but Jesus still desperately loves them. Though Satan tries to tell us it's pointless to try to help them, nothing could be farther from the truth.
Bev and I at Las Papas.
USA doesn't have this cushion that Mexico had....oh dear, I'm hoping for some magic footwork.
This past weekend in Ixtlan many of the kids that hadn't come on a while showed their faces again. It was great to see them. Going to school is just an option not normally taken by many of these kids leaving some of them illiterate. They are the kids that no one expects anything from them, but Jesus still desperately loves them. Though Satan tries to tell us it's pointless to try to help them, nothing could be farther from the truth.
I'm going to set up camp at the library on the main campus this afternoon. Away from my computer. I just dread the fact that I may be mistaken for a summer foreign exchange student. They have popped up all over the city it seems. They stand out like sore thumbs from what they wear to what they carry to where they look when they walk. I saw them at the bus station when i picked up Bev. Saw them at the centro when I was walkin around with Bev. I can just imagine how I was laughed at three summers ago, it's my turn to chuckle. It's as if someone taped a sign to their backs 'Kick me, I'm here for the summer!' and everyone sees it but them.
Yo estoy mirando Mexico vs. Uruguay!
I had planned to be studying this morning, but then I found a live stream of the Mexico - Uruguay game. Plans can change.
I probably shouldn't have tempted myself by even looking for a live feed, because this is torture. Vamos Mexico! Si se puede!
I at least know that I should not go looking for the USA - Algeria game because USA doesn't have the cushion that Mexico does. I'd probably watch that one with my eyes closed! Gah!
I probably shouldn't have tempted myself by even looking for a live feed, because this is torture. Vamos Mexico! Si se puede!
I at least know that I should not go looking for the USA - Algeria game because USA doesn't have the cushion that Mexico does. I'd probably watch that one with my eyes closed! Gah!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Yo estoy ocupada.
It's rare times like these when I really really would like a TV in order to watch the World Cup games, when I am, at the same time, most grateful that I don't have one. I don't know if I'd be able to not watch. Bev Schlatter, who's stayed the last two weeks in Ixtlan joined me in GDL on Thursday. It was a blast to have a friend, an amiga, to talk with and walk around the city with for a day. I took her downtown and it was during the time of the Mexico, France game. Loud cheers came out of every doorway and store front as we passed by so we took those as good signs! We were able to park and find a TV in time to see the last three minutes as Mexico kept France at nil for a 2-0 win! For hours after that you could still hear horns honking and blow horns blowing! It was an amazing day with first a win for Greece and then MEXICOOOOOOOOOOO! The rest of the day I couldn't help but randomly turn to Bev to say outloud how excited I still was that Mexico had won. Thankfully she would just laugh each time.
I was sad to see my excitement of Thursday wither after a disappointing German loss, and then the US only squeaking by with another tie. It was a slight encouragment though to see England's tie with Algeria, it means US still has a shot at moving on to the next round. One thing for sure, this World Cup has already proved to be full of surprises.
I dropped Bev off at the airport on Friday, and then since I was headed in that direction kept on going all the way to Ixtlan. It was the worst traffic I've ever had on my way. It took me about 3 hours to get here. It'll be an extended weekend for me as it'll be my last weekend for almost two months. I'll miss the summer goings on of Ixtlan while I'm gone.
In addition:
- I should have mentioned this a while ago, but I have been corrected that the plural of octopus is octopi. I never did like English. (I just had to ask Jan how to spell plural :/
- When making my study schedules I knew I needed two hours for a lunch break. Just from past experience I know it takes me about two hours to relax enough to go back to studying. It sounds like a long time, but then I realized that two hours is the normal lunch break here in Mexico. I'm acclimating in ways without even realizing it.
- I'm also starting to get used to the warmer weather. It's almost everyday now that I'll be studying and realize that I'm sweating. GROAN! I've started refridgerating my water now. Knowing this though, is worrying me that I'm going to get sick when I come home. It's hot, but not really humid, only after a rain. So if Illinois is real humid it'll be hard for me to get used to that. And then of course, anywhere that has air conditioning and I'm automatically freezing. So I'll be going back and forth between too hot and too cold.
There was another bullet point I had wanted to add, but of course I forget what it was at the moment.
I was sad to see my excitement of Thursday wither after a disappointing German loss, and then the US only squeaking by with another tie. It was a slight encouragment though to see England's tie with Algeria, it means US still has a shot at moving on to the next round. One thing for sure, this World Cup has already proved to be full of surprises.
I dropped Bev off at the airport on Friday, and then since I was headed in that direction kept on going all the way to Ixtlan. It was the worst traffic I've ever had on my way. It took me about 3 hours to get here. It'll be an extended weekend for me as it'll be my last weekend for almost two months. I'll miss the summer goings on of Ixtlan while I'm gone.
In addition:
- I should have mentioned this a while ago, but I have been corrected that the plural of octopus is octopi. I never did like English. (I just had to ask Jan how to spell plural :/
- When making my study schedules I knew I needed two hours for a lunch break. Just from past experience I know it takes me about two hours to relax enough to go back to studying. It sounds like a long time, but then I realized that two hours is the normal lunch break here in Mexico. I'm acclimating in ways without even realizing it.
- I'm also starting to get used to the warmer weather. It's almost everyday now that I'll be studying and realize that I'm sweating. GROAN! I've started refridgerating my water now. Knowing this though, is worrying me that I'm going to get sick when I come home. It's hot, but not really humid, only after a rain. So if Illinois is real humid it'll be hard for me to get used to that. And then of course, anywhere that has air conditioning and I'm automatically freezing. So I'll be going back and forth between too hot and too cold.
There was another bullet point I had wanted to add, but of course I forget what it was at the moment.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Yo estoy esperando.
It was a brillant weekend at Ixtlan this weekend. I left extra early on Saturday and got there just in time to go swimming with some of the girls. We were the only ones there and had a lot of fun. The tops of my shoulders are all nice and pink, but even worse is the tan lines are from a T-shirt with rolled up sleeves. Thankfully they are already starting to blend in....except for pink shoulders.

L-R: Bev, Lupita, Issa
After church today the entire church stayed for a potluck to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Marshall and Jan Heinold. Their anniversary is actually on the 19th, and I'm not sure why they decided to celebrate it this weekend, but oh well, it just means that I get to help them celebrate twice! Here in Mexico a 50th wedding anniversary is an amazing testimony as it is nigh unheard of. It shows that two people can really stay true and faithful to each other, it's not just something in fairy tales.

L-R: Bev, Lupita, Issa
After church today the entire church stayed for a potluck to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Marshall and Jan Heinold. Their anniversary is actually on the 19th, and I'm not sure why they decided to celebrate it this weekend, but oh well, it just means that I get to help them celebrate twice! Here in Mexico a 50th wedding anniversary is an amazing testimony as it is nigh unheard of. It shows that two people can really stay true and faithful to each other, it's not just something in fairy tales.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Yo estoy gritando GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
So I did join my friends in watching the opening game of the FIFA WORLD CUP 2010 South Africa between Mexico and South Africa. I justified it by waking up an hour earlier than normal and studying before going. I paid attention to other people driving and almost everyone was wearing their green or black, some in white! If they weren't it was because they were in buisness attire heading to their work place where without fail I'm sure there would be a TV on. Honestly, you'd have a better chance of getting service on Christmas day than you would have today.
I realize that this whole past week I've talked a lot about the World Cup. While doing so I understand that everyone who actually reads my blog couldn't be less interested in it. THIS IS A PROBLEM. because I know that it isn't just people in Illinois, but the vast majority of the citizens of the United States when asked about the World Cup respond with....What's that? Granted the US has baseball, Canada has hockey, India has cricket,...we should stick to what we do best? No! Soccer is the only globally celebrated sport. It is embedded in thousands of cultures spread over the world. It's a global language! I can go to Italy, Korea, Algeria, Denmark, Brazil and spend hours interacting with the people there not because I'm speaking Korean, Italian, or Portugese but because I can get on a futbol field and know what to do when a ball is kicked at me. We all speak the same on the futbol field.
I read this article, "Why America Needs to Watch the World Cup, Just a Little": http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/06/11/martin-sieff-world-cup-super-bowl-obama-south-africa-soccer-bp/
Though there were a few things I didn't quite agree with, one point the auther made that I liked was this. "But since we do maintain the Number One military presence around the world and since we are caught up in a bewildering number of global commitments from North Korea to the Persian Gulf, it really does behoove us to try and catch an occasional sense of what matters to all these peoples and cultures around the world who actually aren't like us at all, however Politically Incorrect it is to say so."
At the beginning of the game today both the president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, and the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon greeted the players. Yea, sure Obama said he'd go if the US made the final, phssssh! US ain't gonna be goin to no finals. Granted miracles happen and I'd love to eat my words, but Mexico most likely won't go to the finals either but the President was there for their very first game!
Today amongst the masses of yellow there could be seen spots of green here and there. Someone made a comment that "hey! there's actually Mexicans there!" to which the reply was "There's Mexicans everywhere! There's Mexicans in Antartica selling tacos to penguins!"
Interesting tidbit: Behind South Africa the country with the highest number of World Cup ticket sales is actually the US... because most Mexicans with enough money to get to South Africa all live in the US.
Ok, I've had my spill about the World Cup! You shouldn't hear about it from me again........that definitely wasn't a promise.
I realize that this whole past week I've talked a lot about the World Cup. While doing so I understand that everyone who actually reads my blog couldn't be less interested in it. THIS IS A PROBLEM. because I know that it isn't just people in Illinois, but the vast majority of the citizens of the United States when asked about the World Cup respond with....What's that? Granted the US has baseball, Canada has hockey, India has cricket,...we should stick to what we do best? No! Soccer is the only globally celebrated sport. It is embedded in thousands of cultures spread over the world. It's a global language! I can go to Italy, Korea, Algeria, Denmark, Brazil and spend hours interacting with the people there not because I'm speaking Korean, Italian, or Portugese but because I can get on a futbol field and know what to do when a ball is kicked at me. We all speak the same on the futbol field.
I read this article, "Why America Needs to Watch the World Cup, Just a Little": http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/06/11/martin-sieff-world-cup-super-bowl-obama-south-africa-soccer-bp/
Though there were a few things I didn't quite agree with, one point the auther made that I liked was this. "But since we do maintain the Number One military presence around the world and since we are caught up in a bewildering number of global commitments from North Korea to the Persian Gulf, it really does behoove us to try and catch an occasional sense of what matters to all these peoples and cultures around the world who actually aren't like us at all, however Politically Incorrect it is to say so."
At the beginning of the game today both the president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, and the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon greeted the players. Yea, sure Obama said he'd go if the US made the final, phssssh! US ain't gonna be goin to no finals. Granted miracles happen and I'd love to eat my words, but Mexico most likely won't go to the finals either but the President was there for their very first game!
Today amongst the masses of yellow there could be seen spots of green here and there. Someone made a comment that "hey! there's actually Mexicans there!" to which the reply was "There's Mexicans everywhere! There's Mexicans in Antartica selling tacos to penguins!"
Interesting tidbit: Behind South Africa the country with the highest number of World Cup ticket sales is actually the US... because most Mexicans with enough money to get to South Africa all live in the US.
Ok, I've had my spill about the World Cup! You shouldn't hear about it from me again........that definitely wasn't a promise.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Yo estoy Waka Waka.
So, in the middle of studying earlier this week a light bulb went on. Unfortunately it had nothing to do with what I was studying at the time. It was more along the lines of...I'm going home June 26th! Yes!! and I get to stay until August 8th! Super Yes!!...and my FM3 expires July 20th....shoot!
Honestly, I couldn't decide what exactly this would mean for me. I tried to weigh pros and cons of waiting to find out or to attempt to take care of it now, knowing that with only about 2 weeks left before I leave, now, means yesterday. I finally decided the best route with dealing with the current conundrum would be to act like we all have to in Mexico...just Deal with it. I headed off for information this morning, and my fears were calmed with just the first stop. Flabbergastion!! Apparently I'll be able to leave and just renew it when I get back supplying dates and proof of my salida y entrada (exit and entrance). In the meantime, requirements for renewal are changing yet again, one being four complete copies of the FM3 notarized. Why? I seriously doubt even the immigration officials would be able to give an answer to that question. It's why we've learned not to bother asking, you just do what is asked and move on. I decided to go ahead and get everything ready for the renewal now while I have the time to make all these multiple trips everywhere. So a public notary was another stop I had to make this morning, and of course I'll be needing to make another trip back to the notary in a bit. Yes, eficaz and eficiente (efficient) exist in the Mexican lingo, but they really don't use it all that much.
World Cup starts tomorrow! So excited. Was planning on meeting with friends to watch Mexico's opening game vs. South Africa, but now with hours of study time lost today I don't know. We'll see if I can convince myself to be irresponsible or not.
Job well done Nike! (if not able to see the whole screen, right click, show all)
Honestly, I couldn't decide what exactly this would mean for me. I tried to weigh pros and cons of waiting to find out or to attempt to take care of it now, knowing that with only about 2 weeks left before I leave, now, means yesterday. I finally decided the best route with dealing with the current conundrum would be to act like we all have to in Mexico...just Deal with it. I headed off for information this morning, and my fears were calmed with just the first stop. Flabbergastion!! Apparently I'll be able to leave and just renew it when I get back supplying dates and proof of my salida y entrada (exit and entrance). In the meantime, requirements for renewal are changing yet again, one being four complete copies of the FM3 notarized. Why? I seriously doubt even the immigration officials would be able to give an answer to that question. It's why we've learned not to bother asking, you just do what is asked and move on. I decided to go ahead and get everything ready for the renewal now while I have the time to make all these multiple trips everywhere. So a public notary was another stop I had to make this morning, and of course I'll be needing to make another trip back to the notary in a bit. Yes, eficaz and eficiente (efficient) exist in the Mexican lingo, but they really don't use it all that much.
World Cup starts tomorrow! So excited. Was planning on meeting with friends to watch Mexico's opening game vs. South Africa, but now with hours of study time lost today I don't know. We'll see if I can convince myself to be irresponsible or not.
Job well done Nike! (if not able to see the whole screen, right click, show all)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Yo estoy ocupada.
Friday I walked past some workers working on a flower bed. They had flooded the borders, and as I walked by I smelled mud! It smelled so good. We get our nose full of dust and dirt, but never mud. It made me think that being home this summer I'll get to smell lots of mud. I may have to make a mud pie just cause.
We were a big family this weekend in Ixtlan, eight of us around the table. Jan commented to me that it reminded her of 'back in the day' when she cooked daily for 9 with inevitably an addition here and there.
While getting getting breakfast ready this morning Jan and I had a rather random conversation about tenacity that led us to comparing women to octapuses (or is it octapusi?) 2 points if you can recognize the connecting factor!
and last but in no way least! WORLD CUP STARTS THIS WEEK!!! Starting June 11th every country in the world, but the US, stops. An example, here there's been a countdown going since January, whereas no one even mentioned the Winter Olympics. My plea....anyone going to South Africa in the next month, TAKE ME WITH YOU!.....or at least bring me back a shirt.
We were a big family this weekend in Ixtlan, eight of us around the table. Jan commented to me that it reminded her of 'back in the day' when she cooked daily for 9 with inevitably an addition here and there.
While getting getting breakfast ready this morning Jan and I had a rather random conversation about tenacity that led us to comparing women to octapuses (or is it octapusi?) 2 points if you can recognize the connecting factor!
and last but in no way least! WORLD CUP STARTS THIS WEEK!!! Starting June 11th every country in the world, but the US, stops. An example, here there's been a countdown going since January, whereas no one even mentioned the Winter Olympics. My plea....anyone going to South Africa in the next month, TAKE ME WITH YOU!.....or at least bring me back a shirt.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Yo estoy estudiando.
I received my scheduling permit at 11:00 pm last night. I have since then printed it off and REGISTERED FOR MY EXAM!!! Praise God!
In the past I never would have imagined myself so excited at being able to register for this exam. It seems every other comment I'm thinking now is Thank You Jesus! It has been a mere 2 1/2 weeks since I finally received the go ahead to register for the exam. and with being in Mexico I projected that I was looking at a 6 week process! It's only been 2 1/2 weeks!
It feels like I've been running up a mountain for the past two months straight that now with the opportunity to run on level ground for a while.... well, the angels must be carrying me!
In the past I never would have imagined myself so excited at being able to register for this exam. It seems every other comment I'm thinking now is Thank You Jesus! It has been a mere 2 1/2 weeks since I finally received the go ahead to register for the exam. and with being in Mexico I projected that I was looking at a 6 week process! It's only been 2 1/2 weeks!
It feels like I've been running up a mountain for the past two months straight that now with the opportunity to run on level ground for a while.... well, the angels must be carrying me!
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