Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yo estoy lavando mi ropa.

The road that I live on is having problems. Apparently there are sections that are hollow underneath. Each day it seems that a new section has caved in. At least they are attempting to fix them it is just currently a maze driving between them. I just pray I'm not driving when one opens underneath me. My little car would not survive.
We've been playing soccer after class a few times a week. At first I felt a little weird. It's January and I'm outside playing soccer. Then I got over it. This isn't weird, I just never expected to personally experience it! Praise the Lord for unexpected blessings!



Anonymous said...

Greetings from snowy IL. Pot holes, no fun. Your new clinic sounds like an awesome experience. I hope the Bible study is going well. That's cool you will be having fam coming down Miss you!

Steph & TT friends:)

Tara said...

I'm writing to ask that you please avoid being swallowed by the road. It would be sad.

Kaleigh said...

did you surprise them all with you new soccer cleats??? :) :)