BEHOLD! Our Thanksgiving dinner.
Okay, just kidding. This was the first coarse, but it was absolutely hilarious. Let me explain. Our tickets said 7:00. We got there about 7:30 and were the second party to arrive. As time passed more people arrived. I finally broke out the camera and enjoyed the holiday. Others spent the time going from hungry to starving. I can't lie...I was getting rather hungry myself. The meal finally commenced at 9:00 to a round of applause. The servers burst from the kitchen doors with trays ladden with.......what in the world was it? The bowls were set in front of us and everyone just kind of stared at it, then stared at each other, then stared back at the bowl again. Were we supposed to eat it, put it on bread, continue staring at it???? In the end, tureens of soup were brought out and ladeled into the bowls on top of the dollop. Unfortunately, the tureens appeared a tad late for some of those more hungry individuals.
Okay, just kidding. This was the first coarse, but it was absolutely hilarious. Let me explain. Our tickets said 7:00. We got there about 7:30 and were the second party to arrive. As time passed more people arrived. I finally broke out the camera and enjoyed the holiday. Others spent the time going from hungry to starving. I can't lie...I was getting rather hungry myself. The meal finally commenced at 9:00 to a round of applause. The servers burst from the kitchen doors with trays ladden with.......what in the world was it? The bowls were set in front of us and everyone just kind of stared at it, then stared at each other, then stared back at the bowl again. Were we supposed to eat it, put it on bread, continue staring at it???? In the end, tureens of soup were brought out and ladeled into the bowls on top of the dollop. Unfortunately, the tureens appeared a tad late for some of those more hungry individuals.
My table for Thanksgiving dinner
I sat with Triffinie and her five kids (L-R: Denise, Ranhae, Ronny, Jonny, Micheal) Anahi, and then Richard (who apparently didn't want to look at the camera).
The main course was in fact turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potates, the oddest mystery stuffing (at least that's what we decided it was supposed to be), and a fruit salad. DESSERT = PUMPKIN PIE!!!!! Nothing like home, but hey, it's Mexico, at least they tried.
Shhh,, bang, bang, buzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, BANG. You hear that? Yeah I thought you would. That is the sound that has been coming from next door for the past 3 WEEKS!!!!. Now listen...... You hear that? That was the sound of steam starting to curl from ears. I am getting so stinky sick of studying to the sound of construction.
Thought I'd also share with you the product the man with the machete worked on the poor tree out front. It's flat!!! You can kind of make out the electrical wires that had previously been threaded through the center of the tree. I would have thought the man with the machete would have attempted to do some sort of shaping to the poor tree, but no, he just wacked the top off. pobrecito!

Side note about my certification last Wednesday! Woke up Wednesday morning to find my watch had died at 12:15am. Strike one! I arrived at my designated spot with two minutes to spare. Ball one! My order was all over the place. Strike two! I completely forgot a few steps. Strike three! Definitely OUT!
In other words, what was supposed to be the Moonlight Sonata came out sounding like chopsticks on a toy piano. Bummer! (Should have practiced conducting in front of someone instead of in my room!)
The main course was in fact turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potates, the oddest mystery stuffing (at least that's what we decided it was supposed to be), and a fruit salad. DESSERT = PUMPKIN PIE!!!!! Nothing like home, but hey, it's Mexico, at least they tried.
Shhh,, bang, bang, buzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, BANG. You hear that? Yeah I thought you would. That is the sound that has been coming from next door for the past 3 WEEKS!!!!. Now listen...... You hear that? That was the sound of steam starting to curl from ears. I am getting so stinky sick of studying to the sound of construction.
Thought I'd also share with you the product the man with the machete worked on the poor tree out front. It's flat!!! You can kind of make out the electrical wires that had previously been threaded through the center of the tree. I would have thought the man with the machete would have attempted to do some sort of shaping to the poor tree, but no, he just wacked the top off. pobrecito!
Side note about my certification last Wednesday! Woke up Wednesday morning to find my watch had died at 12:15am. Strike one! I arrived at my designated spot with two minutes to spare. Ball one! My order was all over the place. Strike two! I completely forgot a few steps. Strike three! Definitely OUT!
In other words, what was supposed to be the Moonlight Sonata came out sounding like chopsticks on a toy piano. Bummer! (Should have practiced conducting in front of someone instead of in my room!)