Friday, February 12, 2016

Estoy trabajando.

I was paged this evening, just prior to my relief arriving, by a slightly panicking, senior medicine resident. Patient up on the 6th floor in respiratory distress. Patient had previous tracheostomy, now decannulated, calling surgery to evaluate for possible placement of trach and therefore avoiding intubation. My gut reaction...Call Anesthesia and Intubate STAT!!  But okay, perhaps I just need to learn something. I grabbed my senior who was passing by and we headed up to the 6th floor. Turns out the patient had been decannulated a while ago and the remaining trach site not much more than a pinhole. My senior just about Flipped. His. Lid!! 
Let's just say, anesthesia was finally paged for STAT intubation.

Last week a couple of my co-residents were bemoaning the lack of order, rhyme or reason in their lives. I tried to chime in and give them a pep talk about how they are successful young working adults, etc. etc. etc. They just stared back at me and retorted that their lives were in shambles! Bills not paid, delinquent on dead lines, etc. etc. I tried once more, but then went back to writing my note when refuted again. I still disagree with them. But this past Wednesday, I had the day off and took advantage to run some errands. Passport renewal, loan repayment renewal, bank, gas, food. And I'll admit, it felt really good. Thankful I was efficient for long enough to check a bunch of things off my list before falling asleep again! Takes so little to make me happy anymore!!

Much Love.

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