Sunday, February 28, 2016

Estoy conduciendo en un donut.

I have a question.
Just how many flat tires in a life time is normal?
Because I feel like I have a lot. Like a lot, a lot, a lot.
And I would really just like to know...
What is normal?

This one happened Saturday afternoon on my way home from my errands. The annoying thing about changing a tire for me personally is the fact that I am not very strong.  In order to finally get the lug nuts loose I had to wedge myself between pulling towards myself with my arms and pushing away from myself with my foot on the lug wrench. I didn't look up even once, just pretended that the Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh... was just the wind and not countless drivers staring at me as they whizzed by in their cars. Finally got the donut on and headed straight for the tire shop I usually go to. Called another on my way just in case. No luck. Everyone was closed.  So I guess I get to find out if the donut will suffice for a whole week.

I guess I shouldn't be so dramatic.  Thinking back there were two in undergrad. Two in medical school. Now two since moving to New York. 6 over the past 12 years. On average 1 every other year.

But really, is that normal?

Much Love.

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