Saturday, January 11, 2014

Estoy silbando.

Nice to be at the end of this week.  Gonna take a lot for 2014 to surprise me after this week.  What has God got up His sleeve for this year?!?!  We shall see!

Dust was starting to settle in the Trauma Dept on Friday.  As for me, I've momentarily refocused the work I'm doing.  Am working on things for other doctors until I hear what direction to take with Dr. A's stuff.  And apparently Dr. A's letter of termination was changed to a letter of resignation.  A really good situation for Dr. A for which I am thankful.  But not so sure I understand what the hospital was thinking in that move.  How good it actually is for the hospital remains to be seen.

Dust has also settled following the accident last Sunday evening. God has provided a replacement for the little green car.  A silver car now takes me from point A to point B.  Even my little blue friend is happy and thankful. 
 See look at him smile!  He says it fits oh so fine!! :)

It's another Honda Civic so rides the same as what I'm used to, but as with any individual person, every car has it's own idiosyncrasies.  For example, how it breaks, how it responds to hitting a pothole and how 60 mph feels.  All things I knew in the old car, but will have to spend some time acquainting myself with all over again!  But thinking of the miles and adventures that are waiting to be driven in this little car, Lord willing, I can't help but be excited.

And as promised, here's a picture of Heather S. and myself in front of the silver car.  

This has been yet another lessen in just how dependent I am upon #1 Jesus and #2 upon others.  And once I give up the desire to be independent, I can see even clearer how blessed I am.

Luke 12:48 "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." I console myself by telling myself that one day, Lord willing one day, I will not only be able to pay it back but somehow pay it forward as well.  One day, it will be my turn, and I will be able to help someone, someones, as I have been helped.



Anonymous said...

All the best to you and your little blue friend! Does he have a name?

Heather Steiner said...

Your new little car is nice, and so is it's driver! :)