Entered 2014 with a great big bang. Or I'm assuming it was a bang. The actual sound itself was muffled as my head buried itself in the air bag emerging from the steering wheel.

Was on my way home from CT this past Sunday. Two passengers and myself. 1) My little sister, Chelli, who had driven back to NY with me. Picture: in Bryant Park with Christmas Village, Tree and ice skating rink in background. In the foreground was a working water fountain!!
2) Heather Steiner who is taking a class in NYC this week and I was to drop her at the train station by my home. Picture to come...
Making the last few twists and turns through the forest we were approximately 5 minutes from home. And as is typical with three chicas in a car we were chatting. In my head I knew that with the temperatures dropping below freezing the wet wintery roads deserved my full attention. But then in my head I dismissed my own warning and kept on chatting. Looking back I also realize that God himself had probably tried to warn me as I skidded through a stop sign minutes before the accident actually happened. (No one else had been at the intersection thankfully). But I, in my thick-headed stupidity, paid it no mind and kept on our merry way. As the road turned and started to descend, the car hit slush and then the icy slope refused to give up it's ill-gotten control and we slipped and slided downwards until meeting with an unsuspecting stone wall. No one was hurt (other than a few bumps and bruises) and within 60 seconds all three of us had self-extricated and were walking around. First on the scene was actually a fireman who called it in! He might have slightly exaggerated the situation as seemingly the entire fire brigade responded in addition to the state trooper. We could hear them coming from way in the distance, as they slowly wound their way up to us.
Had we not hit that stone wall... Had we continued in our downward slide... In a matter of mere seconds the road turned to the right. Only God knows what He was protecting us from.
I needed help, and though 2 hours away I could call and receive help. Time and time again over the years this church family has been what has kept me together. I can not love this church family enough.
So today I set out to find what was left of the little green car. Cleaning it out I had thought would be really upsetting, but was surprised to find not a tear near. It was more just a surreal feeling. I knew the day would come, just thought it would be at least a few years from now, not...now. One of the last things I removed was my little blue friend.

For a few moments I had considered leaving my friend. He has never not been right there. Over the years and miles my steady and constant companion (in addition to Jesus) of the little green car. It seemed fitting that he should stay with the car, it's where he belongs. And staring at him there, his eyes pleaded with me, asking to stay. Was I subconsciously projecting onto this small stuffed character with large wide-set eyes? Perhaps. So I removed him from his perch and moved on. But now as he sits by my computer staring up at me, his eyes ask if he can adjust to a new home? He's unsure. I smile and reassure him. "We'll be just fine," I say. I know we'll be just fine.
I bid goodbye to the little green car. I could not have asked for a better car, and am blessed to have been able to drive it for as long as the Good Lord allowed. Praise Jesus!