Friday, July 12, 2013

Yo estoy cansada.

I'm tired. I think I could lay down on my bed and wake up tomorrow morning.  And yet the clock says 6:30.  Can I really keep my eyes open to study 4 more hours I wonder?

And so I procrastinate.  I'm not gonna learn anything like this.  But sometimes the brain just shuts down and I have to give it a chance to recharge. least that's what I tell myself.

One story:
This morning when I got down to medical records, I had the typical 'hello' 'how are you' verbal exchange with Maureen (another regular down in med records).  She ended the exchange by telling me "they're in rare form today!"  'They' being the medical record employees.  And 'rare form' being that the random conversations we are privileged to overhear while sitting at our table were on a whole other level of random today!  Example: The other day someone from Pathology kept calling looking for a dead body. #1  How do you lose a dead body?!?!  (That was my thinking)  and #2 If you do manage to somehow lose said body...why are you calling Health Information.  No bodies here.  Maybe try the morgue!?!?! (Paraphrasing the employee who answered their many phone calls)

One picture:
Sammy sits outside my door sometimes.  I'm surmising that the previous tenant was much more welcoming than I am to Sammy.  I'd love to let Sammy in.  But one thought is stopping me.  What if apt 1 wonders where he is, and goes on a rampage thinking that someone has shot his cat!?!?!?!   So I keep the door closed.


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