Friday, July 5, 2013

Yo estoy caliente.

I couldn't do it.  As much as I'd like to think I'm tough; that I can handle it.  I had to give up.  Over the past couple of days the warmth has repeatedly succeeded in wrapping me up and putting me to sleep.  Not even caffeine can combat an impending heat coma when you start to head bob. 

I'd like to blame it on winter.  I've readjusted.  Now I can't handle 90 degrees.  Sad. Sad.  But there's a burning thought I have that makes me start to wonder if something is wrong.  That it's more than just cold intolerance and heat intolerance.  But rather a pathological inability to self temperature regulate.  I'd be sitting in my apartment, and noticing the temperature rising.  My skin would start to burn like I had a fever or something.  But I wouldn't start to sweat.   It got to the point that I knew I should be sweating, and wishing that I would just so that I could turn the fan on myself and cool down.   But no.  Instead I'd just fall asleep. 

So like I said, I gave up.  I'm a wimp.  There's a heat advisory in New York this weekend.  I packed up and came to CT, and air conditioning.  Granted now I'm cold, but that's what blankets are for!  At least I'll be able to study without falling asleep.

In other news, I'm trying to ignore the fact that it's July.  ERAS opened July 1. (electronic residency application service - I'm guessing that's what it means).  And I didn't even realize it until July 2.  A year ago I was on the ball, ready to go!  I was online July 1 registering, eager for what lay ahead.  But all that did was succeed in making it a very very long year.  And to be honest, I'm not all that eager to jump back into it again.  Sigh!  I'll get around to it...eventually.  Yayyyyyyyyyy! (trying to psych myself's not working.)


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