Saturday, June 1, 2013

Yo estoy sudando.

I have a mailbox at the Deerhaunt.  Like a box out by the road, unlocked, with a little red flag, that the mailman drives by everyday and puts mail in.  A legit mailbox, like the kind I grew up with by haven't had since moving away from home.  And apparently I had forgotten how to use such a mailbox.  I had a letter to mail this past week, and was puzzled for a bit trying to remember if I'd seen any post office, or any blue mailbox in which I could drop my letter off.  And then I remembered the little red flag, and got all excited about mailing my letter from my own mailbox. When the mailman came the next day I got excited all over again and watched anxiously from my window.  When he moved on and the little red flag was down I just about danced a jig and had to restrain myself from running out to the mailbox to confirm that my letter was indeed gone.  Ahh, so easy to amuse myself sometimes!

I am thankful that I finally heard from Dr. Blood on Friday evening that I do get to start research on Monday.  It was such a sigh of relief.  This whole month I've been living based on something verbally communicated 6 weeks ago.  I'd go to buy toilet paper or ketchup and ask myself, "should I really be buying this?"  If I'm just going to be moving next month, why should I settle in so much?  But then I'd recognize my question stemming from the common humanly fear when we don't have control.  My future is not in my control, but in the hands of the Creator, and so I'd buy the toilet paper.  Sometimes all we have to go on is faith.  But how sweet it is when faith becomes sight!

And last a little treat.  Saturday nights music often happens in the Viens household!  This was a few weeks ago.  Bekah on her 12 string and Dorothy on the autoharp.  They started out on this particular song to annoy Steve (who is sitting in the corner and you can see just his feet in the video) and ended up having way to much fun in the process. I particularly like the ending when they're laughing to hard to actually finish.  (Disclaimer: permission was obtained from all parties involved prior to uploading)


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