Sunday, January 27, 2013

Yo estoy a yo.

"I think I know I mean a yes, but it's all wrong...that is, I think I disagree."

That was the topic of a discussion held last week which included representation across the various health care services providing care to the patients at Sound Shore.  I had never before been to a meeting such as this.  First of all, there was a moderator appointed for the meeting.  Second of all, that moderator went around the room making sure all services spoke their mind, and what I mean by that is, making sure all services had a chance to share their feelings.  Literally asking individuals, "how did that make you feel?"  I stayed shut up on my chair in the back.  No way was I going to voluntarily tell a room full of people how I felt.  However, what I saw developing as the meeting continued on was an opportunity for these people to vent.  Vent to others who wouldn't shy away, and would understand their frustration.  And that I could understand.  From my own personal experiences, in general the only stories acceptable are the funny, cute and mysterious.  The second I try recounting a frustrating experience, or anything out of the acceptable bubble the listener almost immediately becomes visibly uncomfortable.  What this meeting was allowing was a chance for taboo emotions to be let out amongst a group of people that not only wouldn't back away from them but can actually share in them.  Like I said, it was a meeting like none I've ever seen before.  It was interesting.


P.S. bonus points if you know the song the discussion topic comes from! ;)

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