Friday, June 8, 2012

Yo estoy bien ocupada.

Took a trip recently.  Me, my buddy Jesus, the wheel and the open road.

2:00 AM  Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to hit the road.

6:10 AM  So thankful to see the sky start to lighten.  I was definitely startin' to nod off.

7:15 AM  Thankful to see the sun burn through the clouds.  It was quite chilly at the higher altitude and no sun.

9:40 AM  Road for miles, but always something beautiful to fill the view.

10:00 AM  Oh Lordy!!! Middle of the tollroads and no hint or sign of an exit nor gas station in sight.

10:30 AM  Time for a Pepsi Kick!  

11:10 AM  Rolled the window down to pay a only made it 1/3 of the way back up.  Just happened to be driving through a rain storm at the time.   Oh the irony!

12:30 PM  Time to get my car ready to cross the border.  Unfortunately changing plates ended up being a job much more complicated than I had anticipated.

1:00 PM  We (a gas station attendant came over to help me) finally got the front plate off and the new one half on.  But the back was not budging.  The most creative I could offer was to break the screws and I could buy some new ones.  Yes..I realize now that wouldn't have worked.  Study the picture below.  Can you tell how a Mexican solves the problem?  He flattened bottle tops then nailed through them to nail/fasten the plate to the car.  Haha!  I was happy with the solution.  My plates were attached the car.  I'm so thankful for Mexican ingenuity.  They find a way to make it work.

1:30 PM  Waitin' to cross the border.

2:10 PM  Hello U.S.A.!

3:45 PM  I have to pump my own gas again!?!? What!?!?!

6:00 PM  What would a road trip be without getting stuck in traffic at least once?

8:30 PM Saw the sun rise in Mexico and took a picture.  Might as well take one of the sunset in America!

Zhae and Alyssa!  Look at their beautiful faces!!!  Got to crash for the night at my cousins in Lewisville.

8:45 AM  On the road again!  Scott, Jennie, Zhae and Alyssa sent me off complete with some cafe!!!

4:40 PM  Not as interesting to drive across America I guess.  Went through more of my candy and had to replenish.

6:10 PM  Yahooooooo!

10:45 PM  Hello house!  After 1947 miles and about 33 hours it's nice to finally see you!

So what did I do for 1947 miles and 33 hours.  Really I don't know...time just passes.
There was some amusement provided by picture taking.

There was a bit of Dancing While Driving.
And a whole bunch of listening to audio books. 
Only drove in circles twice.  Only pulled over at the military check-points in Mexico twice.  Only had to unload half of my car at the border. 

It was quite the adventure! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you made it back in one piece! Congrats on graduating!