In Ixtlan, Sunday church is started in the morning with all the children at the front of the congregation and we all sing children's songs. The number of children can vary from three to fifteen the very next Sunday. Last Sunday, as one boy was singing up front his father brought his baby brother (12-14 mo? I'm not sure) up to stand next to him putting the todler's hand in the hand of his big brother. However, as they continued singing the older boy let go so that he could do the hand motions that accompanied the songs. It wasn't long and as his baby brother was fidgetting he lost his footing and fell head first down the two steps to the hard tile floor of the church. He cried, was taken out, and was fine in no time, but the reason for this story is the older brother. The poor boy could barely continue singing as he was fighting tears, and clearly visible plastered across his face was fear and guilt.
I finished up my rehab rotation last Friday with not a very pleasant experience, but definitely one from which I learned. I was conducting therapy on one patient and all of a sudden she yelped in pain. It took all of 3 seconds for me to remedy the problem, and everyone continued on...except me. I couldn't get past the fact that I had hurt her. I felt the fear and guilt that I'd see on that boy's face last Sunday. So like I said, it wasn't a pleasant experience, but at the same time, with each new experience I am able to acquire I am becoming better equiped to deal with the thousands of situations that await me, lurking behind closed doors and dark unknown turns.
This weekend was happy for me in Ixtlan as it brought the return of two parts of my Sibaja family home after their visits to the States. Issa Sibaja had been in the States since the end of June when she, her sister Lupita, and I had all traveled together up to Chicago. Her mother, Lourdes, had gone to the States about mid-October. I wasn't the only one. Lupita was very very happy to have her mom and sister home again.
I fear winter weather is coming to the area to stay. So cold at night, and then warm during the day. Unfortunately my concrete and tile apartment is content to just stay at cold all day long. Regg and Bev run Saturday mornings and so I was going to try to join them, but then they said that they go at 7 am! I dismissed that idea. IT IS COLD AT 7 AM!!! So Bev offered to run twice. She and I went on a run at about 11, comfortable shorts and T-shirt running weather. Much more my speed. ;) I stuck to putting on extra layers and wrapping up in a blanket at 7am.
A few pictures from the weekend:
This little pumpkin is Isai (Jesse in English). He's about the opposite of Matt and Ruth Gerber's little guy. Isai will actually sit still! :)
For the past couple weeks we've been in the process of making the Christmas pinatas! We started decorating them last night. This is supposed to be a pig...if you couldn't tell!
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