Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yo estoy comiendo manzana.

Immunology wasn't too bad. One could tell that the lady teaching us absolutely loves immunology. A concept a bit foreign to me, but she would get sooo excited sometimes. She also made me laugh a bit which always helps. She is, however, a bit blonde. Example: "I have a tricky question. I even tricked myself with it!" Now tell does one trick themselves with a question they wrote themself. I also found it a bit odd that she walked like she had a case of Montezuma's revenge. Which could not have been the case since we had to beg breaks from her.

At one of my zoned-out moments in immunology the other day I was brought back to the earth by the mention of gold digger. Due to lack of context to join in on the discussion of whatever we must have been likening in the world of immunology to a gold digger, I instead broke out singing "but she ain't messin' with no broke bro." Carrie, I blame you for this.

Nooooooo, I wasn't singing out loud! Good grief!

Had to make a trip to the store yesterday, and my license plates finally sparked their intended question. Normally any reaction I've gotten from the parking lot attendants in the past have consisted of...
parking lot attendant: "Are those your plates?"
me: "yes."
At first I was a bit flabbergasted as due to the fact that they are on the car that I'm driving typically one could logically deduce that they are indeed my plates. Someone then explained to me that they have probably never heard of Illinois before. I believe this to be a very acceptable explanation. Anyways, back to the current story, this time as I was putting my purchases in my car an attendant approached. I assumed he was going to offer to help like usual, but instead he asked if I'd really driven from Illinois. He then asked why I had LA PAZ (peace) on my plates. Wide open door of an invitation right there :)

I'm studying this weekend for my midterm on Tuesday. I ask for your prayers. I have to pass this test so that UAG will sign off on me to be able to take my test this summer. My test lasts from 8 to 5 on Tuesday. Thank you! and God Bless


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