Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yo estoy extrañándole mi familia en EE.UU.

Thought it about time for a quick update.

Borrowed a CD from Jan this past weekend when I was in Ixtlan that contains a random collection of old gospel recordings. Played it full blast with my windows down on the way home.

Sung bought an aquarium. Then he proceeded to buy 2 pirahna, which of course within an hour of being in the tank together started attacking each other. They were quickly separated and one taken back to the store. In it's place he purchased a bunch of random fish. The one pirahna that is left just swims around in the tank; however, another non-pirahna fish is eating all of the smaller fish. It's a most interesting situation.

I've been studying for respiratory physiology exam tomorrow. I'm having a difficult time of it. More so than cardiac anyways. To me respiratory is just dry. There's no substance to the information for me to grasp. We'll see how the exam goes tomorrow.

Class went faster today which was nice to experience. Walked home and made myself some food. Played ball with Daisy for awhile. She is growing big and she learns fast. Unfortunately she still has her sharp tiny puppy teeth. Studied. Ate a snickers bar...yum!! studied some more. almost fell asleep so to wake myself over came over to Sung, Shabnam, and Adrian's place to study some more. Sung made Shin Ramyun. He put in eggs and it was still rather spicy! Now I'm blogging about my day. I guess if you were to analyze my actions one could say I'm ready for my Spring break!


prayer request: I will be driving up to Magdalena for my Spring Break along with Issa and Lupita Sibaja from Ixtlan. Protection and guidance on the road, and help for my car that it makes it there and back.

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