Sunday, February 2, 2020

Estoy viajando.

I thought about going to Florida. The warm weather very enticing, and I would do nothing more than sit in the sun and read by the water.  I thought about going to Portugal. The coffee shops lining the streets of Lisbon equally enticing, and I would pick a different one each day to sit, drink coffee and read. I did not have a strong desire one way or the other, I just did not want to sit in my apartment thinking about the no longer existent Philippines surgery clinic.

In the end, I got in my car and started driving West, thankful for friends who will open doors to last minute texts.

On my first day driving, I had intended to take pictures of the sunrise, of the snow-covered Poconos, at my quick stop at the Stoller’s in Ohio, and finally with the Beers in Indiana.

I failed on all attempts.  It was not for a lack of opportunity, there were many picturesque shots as I passed through the American countryside. It was more I was rushing. I quickly learned that it has been years since my last road trip and I’ve gotten older in the meantime. (A.k.a. My butt was hurting from sitting so long.) So I was focusing on moving quickly, and how to alter my seat every so often.

I got a couple today to make up for it. Regg and Bev Beer and their boys Tucker, Cooper, Colton and Trace all welcomed me overnight. Really good to catch up, good conversations, good memories. We realized on this day 8 years ago we had found ourselves watching the Super Bowl, in an Italian restaurant, in Mexico and quite amused by the clash of cultures we were in the midst of.
Aren't they soooo cute? Definitely, rhetorical question! Tucker, Cooper, Colton and Trace 

Colton and Trace, they give the best squeezes! 

In typical boy fashion, we had to do a silly one!

Much Love.

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