Saturday, February 8, 2020

Estoy devuelto.

I unpacked my bag when I got home this evening. Took my unused camera and shook my head as I placed it back on the shelf to gather dust again. I hadn't even taken it out of my bag the entire week. It wasn't for lack of activity. Just my own lack of desire to interrupt said activity. Catching up with friends, playing with nephews, even a little Star Wars sprinkled in there.... can you blame me?

There are a handful from my phone, of the nephews of course! I was able to stay with them for a few days in the middle of the week and book end it with friends who could see me on short notice. Whether full out slumber party or simply sitting on the floor during a daughter's gymnastics class, I took what I could get, and honestly, really enjoyed being able to see a glimpse into my friends' crazy busy lives and growing families.

It's amazing how much they change in between my visits. Peter Bear and Little Lincoln have really adjusted to being school boys. I wonder how much longer I'll still be able to breathe with all three piled on top?

 Story time before bedtime!

 Miles and Me time when the older boys were off at school.

Much Love.

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