Thursday, July 2, 2015

Estoy enferma.

It was just another day in the hospital, but I have to admit it felt nice to no longer be the intern. I went in for a case that ended up being about 3 1/2 hours and my pager only went off twice in that amount of time!  Amazing!! However as my chief calls it, I'm to be 'super-intern' for awhile until our new intern finds her feet.

Things were done at a slower pace, and yes it would have been faster to just do everything myself, but to no benefit of really anyone.  So we went slow.  Our new intern mentioned on multiple occasions how there were 'so many patients!!'  I didn't have the heart to tell her how fabulous the list currently is. (It's currently 1/3 the length of the list last time I was on Vascular).  She was already overwhelmed, I figured no sense in making it any worse. Besides, she will inevitably discover that on her own with time.

And at the end of the day, I told her she had done a good job!  Boom! Shakin' things up and breakin' the norm! She may never hear those words again, but I figured when an intern does a good job on their first day, well then they should hear them.  Even if it is just once.

My chief gave me today off as I'm on call all weekend. I had planned to sleep about 30 hours.  But my neighbor decided to undertake a construction project. So I am awake.  I'm also sick. Hence why I had really wanted to sleep so long. By the time I left work yesterday, my head felt like lead and my voice came out in squeaks.  I thought if I could stay in bed that long I'd wake up and be magically better. No such luck. I knew my turn to get sick was long overdue.  I'm just impressed my immune system held out as long as it did!

Much Love.

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