Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ya no estoy interna.

Year one done! Over! Finished! Completed! Terminado!

This really is of no consequence, and tomorrow is going to be just another day at the hospital same as today. But… in my head, I’m letting it be significant. All part of that mental pep talk that comes with walking by faith and not by sight. It means I’m somehow a step farther along this path of unknown duration.

What does second year mean?
1.       One is able to be scheduled for 24 hour shifts. (Which inevitably truly turn into 28-30 hour shifts)
2.       More time in the OR
3.       Less clerical work responsibility
4.       One no longer has ‘naivety’ available as a weapon in their arsenal as a reason for not knowing something or how to get something done.
5.       Along with #3, one is held to a higher expectation. And forgiveness is even harder to come by than it was the previous year. 
6. Responsible for teaching the new intern on how to be an intern.

Other than that it’s pretty much the same stuff as first year. Lots of work. The pager never stops. Getting bullied by a nurse here and there.  More work. Daily dose of dirt eating for your self-esteem.  Following every whim and notion of your chief. And of course, taking care of patients.

Finished up my last shift as a first year prelim on nights in the Trauma ICU.  The intern up on the floors for night float was Kristina Dzeba. We’d make sure our paths crossed at some point during our nights in the hospital. I roped her into helping me document my last shift of the year.

Much Love.

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