Saturday, September 15, 2012

Yo estoy tratando.

The weather finally took a turn for the perfect this past weekend.  We went to bed Saturday night to a hot humid summerness, slept through a storm and woke up Sunday morning to a clear, fresh and crisp fallness.  Perfect enough that Bekah and I drove all the way to Manchester after church just to buy a Frisbee.

I was originally scheduled for 5 weeks of Psychiatry and then rescheduled for 3 weeks.  Initially I was upset at being jipped out of 2 weeks of the hospital that I’ve paid for and told to go study instead.  But, now I guess I realize that if this had to happen at least it happened during the Psych rotation.  I am encountering quite a bit at the hospital, but at the same time not really learning.  Nor is it causing me to want to study.  Normally I’ll get home from the hospital with a list of topics to research.  Such as new terms I encountered throughout the day, topics I was PIMPed on and came out lacking, or topics I was told to research and then present the following day.  But I get home now and let’s just say studying isn’t a priority. ;) Even at the hospital, I’m reading about surgery or something other than psych during down time.  Such a horrible psych student I am.

I do enjoy the excitement that a psychiatric emergency room brings with it.  We get quite the characters.  Had a patient kick a great big hole in the wall today.   Got to make use of my boxing skillz and take her down.  I hope you didn’t just believe that.  Hehe.  No I ran screaming from the room and people with actual real muscles were called in. ;) Or… I could have just stood on the perimeter and watched the show. ;)


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