Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yo estoy en vacaciones.

I'm starting to think that this random study break was more than just an accident of rescheduling.  That God, in His omniscience, had me take a step back from living my daily life, knowing the bigger picture would become clearer. Being able to be with Regg, Bev and Tucker Beer for a few days, and now being able to be here for the birth of my biological's all very reassuring.  For some reason that I can't quite put into words. I keep coming back to that adjective.  Reassurance.

And for those of you wondering how my "studying" is going.  Let me reassure you, it's easy to study something you're interested in.  Something you want to know.

But....I must admit. It's nice to have the freedom to study while allowing distractions.  And if you have distractions, what a plus that this little guy was the culprit. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are enjoying your time, and congrats on the nephew! I saw him on facebook, and he's a cutie!

If you have any time, I'd love to see you, but know you need a lot of family time too. Love you!