I started a new schedule this week with the start of a new rotation, Neurology. Day 1I was given a schedule, and to put it bluntly....it was a horrible schedule. A horrible schedule is nothing new with UAG, so I thought I'd deal with it and move on, but when I got home, stomped up the stairs to my room, and heard the ugly stomps eching back through the house at me, I made the decision right then that I was not going to adhere to the current schedule. There was no way I was going to adhere to a schedule if it were to only succeed in putting me in an unhappy/mad mood by the end of the day. I would just make my own schedule. But, Praise Jesus! God was a step ahead of me. Tuesday morning I ran into the doctora who had given me the schedule the day before, and without me saying anything, she asked/suggested a different schedule more fitted to what I'm actually supposed to be doing, Neurology.
I used to be the last one in the house to be up in the morning. I'm now gone before anyone else wakes up. A fact which they didn't realize until Friday. I take that as a compliment that I went a whole week quite as a mouse....or maybe a small rat at least. I don't mind the early start time, specifically because it means I miss the horrible traffic due to construction on the way to the hospital, plus I get a good parking spot. As walk through the main floor of the IMSS on my way to the staircase in the back, I find that I'm making my way through a makeshift shelter for the homeless. They've laid their pieces of cardboard out on the benches and set up 'home' for the night. They're still asleep or just waking up then, but by the next time I find myself down on that floor for whatever reason, the hospital has since come alive and they've disappeared with their cardboard.
Last weekend I took a few pictures in Ixtlan.
This is Brenda, little Rubi, Me, and Mari. Brenda and Mari have both come off and on over the years. They are both young, but the past couple of weeks I get the feeling that they are searching for a role model. More unconsciously than consciously, but they want to grow up. They see us as older than them and so have become mimics. It reminds me of being a counsellor at Jr. High Girl's Camp. Girls at that age notice everything from how you dress, to what you laugh at, etc. It reminds us of the importance of walking the talk, especially the loving part. And then little Rubi...this was the first time I had met her. At my first attempts at a photo with her, she wouldn't look at the camera. Bev suggested I show her the photo, so I did...she understood then, and became a cheeseball for the camera.
Bev, Regg and Mari were rolling up the net after volleyball. Rubi jumped in to help out.
In this picture, you'll have to excuse the expression on my face. I'm not sure which of the girls took the picture, but they accidentally cut off the top of Rubi's head, but honestly, I kind of like how it turned out (apart from my face). It looks as if Rubi is trying to duck under a doorway or something. She had been gripping onto my head so that I couldn't see, so I was in the midst of removing her little hands from my eyes. I also like this picture because it shows Rubi's boots. She looked so haphazardly put together with her oversized thread bare clothes, her pink boots, and her dirty face, hands and legs. So easy to love.
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