Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yo estoy.... no ahora, Tengo Hambre!!

Doesn't it always seem to happen that when you have minimal food sources available that you get this huge appetite! Or, maybe it's just me. The free lunches really help out with this problem, but today I had a clinic that started at 12 leaving me free-lunchless. And then I run into the problem that since I've only been able to buy minimal groceries at this point, I've ended up constricting my diet. I've already eaten my sandwhich for the day. If I want something else I'd have to eat another sandwhich, because it's all I have, but then I'd be eating tomorrow's sandwhich, leaving me with what for tomorrow?

I'm getting used to life in an American hospital. Used to the phenomenon of being paged and paging others. My office is in a building across the street from the actual hospital so I'm back and forth between the two all day long. At the beginning of the week I had some business to discuss with some people across the street so I got up and left to go talk with them. By the time I'd gotten outside I realized that I probably could have just paged or even called these people (there's a phone at my desk). But instead of returning and paging them, I just kept going. Old habits die hard.

The clinic that I helped with today is a once-a-week specialty clinic for patients with Short Gut Syndrome and/or those on home parenteral nutrition. There's a variety of etiologies, but basically SGS kids have only partial intestine remaining. This clinic kind of made it clear to me just what exactly Children's is able to provide for it's patients, and why these patients come from all over the US to attend. (Why someone would fly across the country for their monthly check-up.) It's because Children's is worth it. Granted, I think the most 'helpful' thing that I was able to do at the clinic today was interpreting but next week I'll do more.


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