Monday, June 27, 2011

Yo estoy sobreviviendo......yo sobrevivi!!!!!!!!

I woke up this morning and paniced to see brillant sunlight flooding my room and lighting up it's blue walls. Grabbing my cell reassurred me that I hadn't overslept, but rather I still had 1 1/2 hours before my alarm was scheduled to go off. I sighed, laid my head back down and smiled. That moment of panic had raised my heart rate, but now as I closed my eyes again it wasn't panic that was making my heart lub dub at a slightly increased pace. It was excitement.

When I got on to blog just now I read the comments from yesterday about those praying for me, which reaffirms what I knew this morning. When I woke up this morning there was not a doubt in my mind that I had received prayers in my name. I've come to recognize the feeling as a sudden feeling of peace, or in the case of this morning...excitement. In other words, it's what I have been praying for and trying to achieve unsuccessfully, and then, inexplicably it's there, and I know someone somewhere prayed. So thank you. You are wonderful people. And I pray that God blesses your lives to overflowing.

To summarize the day, it went very well. The nutrition staff are all incredibly nice and very eager to help and to teach. I got through the day with minimal comments about my third-world level of knowledge such as,
Dr. - "You don't use pagers??? do you get ahold of people?"
Me - "You go look for them."
or such as, "Do you get emails on your phone?" Although that second one may just be me and not necessarily my Mexican medical upbringing.
And now I want to go into a huge list of all the luxuries of medicine available at Children's that make me go ooooo and ahhhhhh and Wow! But I won't for the same reason that I don't let myself go on about some of the things that go on at my hospitals in Mexico. It's not fair to compare the two. They run by two incomparable systems and as such they function just fine as two different institutions. But I will squeel about a few things!!! Things like conferences that come with free lunch!!! or I was given my own office (I share with one other 2nd year student there to do research) complete with a desk, chair, and computer just for me!

So I am thankful that today is over with, that today went well, and that there are amazing prayer warriors out there! I love you!


1 comment:

Schlipf family said...

This post makes me smile and excited for you!! God is awesome!
Love ya