Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yo estoy en Los Estados.
All of my classmates were fleeing so I thought why not?! Hadn't gone home for Spring Break and now a second Spring Break was upon us rather suddenly but here nonetheless.
Bought a ticket online at 1 am yesterday, and was off to the airport 5 hours later. So now I'm home to enjoy a week without walking outside and being greeted by face masks.
Hope getting back into Mexico is possible in a week.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Yo estoy preocupada.
Washed my car again yesterday. Found a plethora of new bumps, dents, and gigantic scratches. Don't drive something in Mexico that you want to keep nice. Cars definitely don't play nice down here. In fact, just the other day I was returning home. My road is both directions, but often there is only room for one car to pass at a time. I was at the point to pull into my parking spot when I saw a car coming in the opposite direction so I made to pull to the side instead of cutting across the road in front of him. All though I had already pulled to the side the driver of the car flashed his lights at me anyways. I'm still confused as to why exactly. He passed and I turned to park. I heard THUNK!!! The car had hit a parked car!! One of his hubcaps was spiralling away, but guess it wasn't important enough, because he left his hubcap, left the poor victimized parked car which now had a nice big scrap and dent in the front, and drove off. I still can't get over the fact that with plenty of room for him to pass safely the guy hit a PARKED CAR!!! aiaiaiai!
Outside my door there is a potted plant... or was a potted plant. While I was home to water it survival was possible. I came home from Magdalena and the poor plant was dead. Instead, beautiful green weeds were growing. So now I water them.
Had some classmates over to play Dutch Blitz last night. It has quickly become a favorite game amongst ourselves, which I am so thankful for. I was a bit nervous that my friends would think it a silly game, and I'd have to play by myself. Triffinie brought all of her kids with her. The following picture was taken about 3:00 am. Dutch Blitz still going strong. Not the same for the kids. You can see Triffinie's two youngest in the back knocked out.
Prayer request: Swine flu in Mexico has recently turned into a "public health emergency of international concern." Health officials in Jalisco say they have identified 18 people in the state with flu-like symptoms who may be infected with the swine flu virus. The H1N1 strain of swine flu is usually associated with pigs. When the flu spreads person-to-person via air, instead of from animals to humans, it can continue to mutate, making it a tougher strain that is harder to treat or fight off. Currently more than 1,300 people are suspected of having the swine flu in Mexico, 80 of whom have died. Only 20 deaths, however, have been confirmed as being from swine flu. The center of the swine flu outbreak is Mexico City, roughly 5 hours from Guadalajara. My classes have been cancelled Monday and Tuesday as a safety precaucion against the swine flu. In addition, Mexico's borders are to be closed soon. Prayers for the country of Mexico as it combats this outbreak. Prayers for the people of Mexico. Prayers for the families of the victims. Prayers for the doctors as they treat this disease. As a student doctor myself, who associates with other student doctors on a whole campus of student doctors who almost all weekly go to their clinics, all it would take is one infected individual in a clinic to be treated by one of my comrades in white. Prayers for God's will.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Yo estoy viviendo todavia.
Spring Break : April 4-19 : Casa Vida y Esperanza, Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico
He is Risen!
Easter Morning sunrise!
I found this kid, Ramses, to be pretty amazing. When asked who he wanted to put his face in his birthday cake he responded with "todos" (everyone). He got caked really good, and then came up laughing and asking for a fork.
On the drive home, just North of Mazatlan the road got so close to the ocean we could see it while driving. We could not resist. How can we be this close and not stop. So I have found out that yes, my little green car can indeed off-road. We didn't stay long at the beach since by the time we got there the sun had already disappeared and only a little bit of light was left. The best thing was that since we had gone where we weren't supposed to go we were the only ones on the biggest beach I've ever seen.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Yo estoy casi lista para el viaje.
hola, me llamo Lupita Sibaja.
Yo estoy en un viaje a Magdalena,
pero ahora estoy en Guadalajara esperando para salir manana con mi hermana y mi amiga.
Ahorita estoy en la casa de un amigo de mi amiga, y estoy lista para viajar manana.
Esto es una gran bendicion de Dios para mi y es una gran experiencia.
Hello, My name is Lupita Sibaja.
I am on a trip to Magdalena,
but now I am in Guadalajara waiting to leave tomorrow with my sister and my friend.
Right now I am in the house of my friend's friend, and I am ready to travel tomorrow.
This is a great blessing from God for me and it is a great experience.
Hola me llama Issa Sibaja y soy hermana y amiga de Christy y ahora estoy en guadalajara y apenas es el primer dia con ella y es muy divertido y creo que estos dias con ella van a ser muy divertidos
Hello my name is Issa Sibaja and I am Christy's sister and friend and now I am in Guadalajara and the first day with her has hardly begun, and it is already very fun and I believe that these days with her are going to be very fun.
We start out tomorrow. Still don't know what time as I've heard a variety of times for how long it will take us to get there (varying from 10 hours to 22 hours!) I guess we'll leave when we leave and get there when we get there. Sounds perfect to me!!
Any prayers spared in our direction would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Yo estoy empeciendo respirar otra vez.
A classmate's birthday was yesterday; so we got together at a dinner. The restaurant she choose, Refugio del Fraile, had a monastery atmosphere (waiters wearing the brown monk robes and everything). I ordered the ceaser salad. They made a big show out of preparing the dressing there by our table. Grinding the herbs together. Separating the egg yolk to put in it. Slowly adding the oil. Then they took five pieces of lettuce and two croutons, dipped them in the dressing they had just prepared, arrainged them on a plate, and set my salad before me. I will laugh about that night for a long time. Probably the most expensive five pieces of lettuce I will ever have in my life.
Dropped a friend off at the airport on my way to Ixtlan so left a bit earlier than normal. The number of trucks on the road was greater than normal though so that kind of compensated for it.
Playing volleyball tonight I accidentally reverted back to soccer. In reacting to a spike by the other team instead of putting my fist up to hit the ball I headed it without even thinking. If that wasn't embarrassing enough the header wasn't even successful. Aiaiaiai!
Update on Sarah and her mother, Elizabeth: Elizabeth was not there to take the respiratory exam yesterday, and Sarah has not been going to school anymore. Triffinie's sons, who attend the same school as Sarah, report that Sarah has returned to the States. Do not know if this means that both have returned to the States, or if either are coming back, or just exactly what the case is.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Yo estoy extrañándole mi familia en EE.UU.
Borrowed a CD from Jan this past weekend when I was in Ixtlan that contains a random collection of old gospel recordings. Played it full blast with my windows down on the way home.
Sung bought an aquarium. Then he proceeded to buy 2 pirahna, which of course within an hour of being in the tank together started attacking each other. They were quickly separated and one taken back to the store. In it's place he purchased a bunch of random fish. The one pirahna that is left just swims around in the tank; however, another non-pirahna fish is eating all of the smaller fish. It's a most interesting situation.
I've been studying for respiratory physiology exam tomorrow. I'm having a difficult time of it. More so than cardiac anyways. To me respiratory is just dry. There's no substance to the information for me to grasp. We'll see how the exam goes tomorrow.
Class went faster today which was nice to experience. Walked home and made myself some food. Played ball with Daisy for awhile. She is growing big and she learns fast. Unfortunately she still has her sharp tiny puppy teeth. Studied. Ate a snickers bar...yum!! studied some more. almost fell asleep so to wake myself over came over to Sung, Shabnam, and Adrian's place to study some more. Sung made Shin Ramyun. He put in eggs and it was still rather spicy! Now I'm blogging about my day. I guess if you were to analyze my actions one could say I'm ready for my Spring break!
prayer request: I will be driving up to Magdalena for my Spring Break along with Issa and Lupita Sibaja from Ixtlan. Protection and guidance on the road, and help for my car that it makes it there and back.