Friday, March 6, 2009

Yo estoy usando la red de mi amiga.

Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! Buenas Dias!!!!
I wake up to birds singing up a storm nowadays. Funny, when you pay attention to the details one can decipher the passage of seasons in Guadalajara. Just takes me a while to tune in to them as I'm used to the drastic changes of the seasons in central IL.
I broke another pair of sandals the other day. Mexico is proving to be tough on the footwear.
I classmate told me the other day that I am able to nicely dress-down a skirt. I should have told her I've had many years of practice, but I was kind of caught of guard by the comment.
Walked out of my apartment ready for class this morning to see that my poor car was sitting there with a flat tire. Poor thing looked so sad. Took it to the shop down the street and got it patched up. It feels much better now. :)
This past Tuesday at PMC I was sent on a house visit to an address that didn't exist. Unfortunately, the confirmation that it didn't exist didn't come until after two hours of searching when we stopped at one of the churches and inquired. Argh!
Behavioral Sciences class has started. Census taken of my classmates after the first class concerning their opinion of the profesora produced the following...."Was she drunk?!?!"
I'm an American who just had Japanese food, Persian tea, and German Mexico. This world is amazing.



Tara said...

your poor car. Glad you got it taken care of. sounds like a truly international experience! I love you lots, and I'm so glad you get to see your parents soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I like the rainbow of colors! I was thinking the roads there would be really hard on cars! Glad you got if fixed. Tara had a slumber party with some girls from TT last night in your old place. Miss you! Love the pic of the puppy!