Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yo estoy escuchando a mi amigo toca su guitarra.

Histology final was today. I'm so glad to be done with those professors. Histo lab final tomorrow.

I just had to explain to my friend why his keyboard had a key with an upside-down question mark. He was rather upset. After I explained, he responded with "well that's useless!"

Went to PMC today instead tomorrow so I can pick my parents up tomorrow! I was excitedly talking to my doctor about my parents arriving tomorrow but instead of using papás I used papas. My doctor got a kick out of the fact that I'm picking my potatoes up tomorrow.

After PMC today helped my friend break into her apartment. Well I stood there and watched as two of our guy friends broke in. Then I held the pieces of the busted up doorknob. I felt very useful!! The whole situation reminded me of when I was about ready to drop kick my printer, and the same individuals helped out. I hold the tools/materials, Shabnam takes the pictures, Sung and Adrian perform the surgery.


Update on Sarah: She has been enrolled in school for a few weeks, is going every day, and is making friends.

1 comment:

Kaleigh said...

have fun with the potatoes :) :)