Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yo estoy feliz.

Staying home this weekend and trying to do some major catch up on things that have been building up.

Had the cardiac physiology exam yesterday. Taking the exam I was annoyed by the fact that, in the vinettes, each patient was presenting with chest pain. Why couldn't the exam writer use example of patients that had pain in places other than just chest? Had to hit myself for that one. Doy!!

Taking the test my classmate, Marcelo, sat in front of me. He likes to think of himself as a thug. Wears his cap backwards and whatnot. Anyways, he, as well as most of my classmates, listen to some hard music to pump them up to take the exams. It made me smile, as I had been listening to Newsies to 'pump' me up. Man would I get made fun of for that one.

Now that my parents have returned home some of my friends are giving me a hard time that I didn't share them enough. I'll have to remember that for next time.

Drama has occurred this past week in our class. A derogatory comment was made about one of our professors. Those responsible (and one not responsible, but it occurred on his computer) were threatened with expulsion. Their meeting was on Thursday and punishments meted, none expelled. I was very thankful that none were expelled. Granted the comment being made was immature and unprofessional, but was not made with malicious intent. For the professors and administration to respond by expelling these students would have been taking vengeance too far and a flat out abuse of power.


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