Monday, March 14, 2022

Estoy quitando balas.

I am told that the amount of penetrating trauma in Lafayette has been increasing in the last few years. That fact is blamed on Chicago. People leave Chicago to get away, but instead the violence just follows them. This impacts our group as a whole, but as for myself, all of the GSWs that have rolled in on my time have been self-inflicted. Suicide attempt aside, these accidental self-inflicted GSWs have really started to exasperate me and if I thought I could get away with it, I'd go into a rather long rant concerning the evils of guns. I mean, sure, I can fix a bullet wound, but... I can't fix stupid.

I got to hang out with Kevin and Cheryl Ryan last week as they passed through Indy on their way down to Florida. I honestly can't remember us ever getting a picture in the 9 years that I lived out in NY. I guess it's like one of those things that you think you have time and you'll get to it, and then all of a sudden time has past, you've moved, and what you thought you had time for, never actually happened. Glad for whatever chance I have to see my Rockville family.

Much Love.

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