Sunday, January 2, 2022

Estoy orando por ti.

Welcome to 2022. I don't think I was quite ready for that. Truth be told, skimming social media, it seemed quite a bit of the world felt the same way. But ready or not here we are. The New Year found me on call and working, very reminiscent of so many years in residency. But as I was told one of those years, "what New Year's finds you doing is predictive of your year." I always find comfort in knowing there is still work for me to do.   

It has been a year of many changes for me. Long awaited joys. Difficult challenges. Much needed rest. And some ongoing restoration that will carry me on. But through it all, sure of my foundation built on the love of my Savior and best friend, Jesus.

I had a conversation the other day with one of my friends back in New York. She's halfway through her year as chief resident, and needed to vent about a few of the current difficulties chief year is throwing at them. She actually had approached the subject saying she wanted some advice or suggestions, but we both knew she really just wanted to vent, and if I happened to have a few thoughts at the end would be an added bonus. 

I came away from that conversation reminded just how incredibly thankful I am to no longer be a resident. I wonder if I will one day be able to put it in words, perhaps not, but primarily because its a feeling of awe, gratitude, and shock all rolled into one rendering me utterly speechless. I hope so though. 

Speech is actually one of my goals for this year. No resolution, per se, but rather an effort to obtain an understanding of my fear. To accept that speech could potentially be used as a blessing for those around me, and to find a balance to allow that speech without compromising listening.

And a little peace. I pray this year brings the world a little peace. To the single mother trying to get by. To the surgery resident scrambling to care for their patient. To the father trying to protect his family in a country burned by war. To those newly widowed. To the thousands displaced. To the thousands sick and hurting. To the billions needing love. I pray a little peace.

Much Love and Happy New Year.

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