Friday, January 7, 2022

Estoy compartiendo mi perspectiva.

The world can be a confusing place. So many ideas, so many feelings, just so much information constantly on download with contradictions perpetually fighting for their own space with increasing voices. It's constant. Futile. Never-ending. How does anyone find peace in this lost chaos?

I was asked the other day, why I prefer to not speak. Short answer, what's the point? What can I possibly add to a world of opinions, perspectives and arguments without hurting someone's feelings, contradicting someone's perspective, or making someone else feel unheard. In essence, my speaking could only succeed in increasing the decibel level of  that constant, futile, never-ending download of words.

For illustration, I ran into my own personal contradiction the other day.

It was bitterly cold outside, but the sun shone beckoning me and I couldn't resist. I put on the extra layers, balaclavas and gloves and went out for a run. I started out heading East and into the wind which cut my breath short, and through my layers. By the time I reached my planned turn around point my fingers were nearing rigor mortis. But then, I turned and the wind was at my back. It no longer cut through, the pain started to ebb, the sun started to warm and I could finally stretch my legs and enjoy the run. Pulling up to my apartment building, I made an extra lap through the parking lot, just because it's best when running with the wind at your back.

It brought me back a few months ago.

It was hot and humid out, but the sun shone illuminating the blue sky and I couldn't resist. I slipped on my razorback, and went out for an enjoyable run. I started out heading East and into the wind which evaporated my sweat, cooled my skin and filled my lungs. But then, I turned and the wind was at my back. I could no longer feel its cooling presence. The sun beat down on my shoulders unrelenting. My hair escaped from its braid and clung to my sweaty face making the humidity of the thick air surrounding me compound exponentially to the point where I needed to slow my speed at an inverse relation just in order to catch my breath again. Pulling up to my apartment building at a pace greater than a walk was a success, just because it's best when running into the wind. 

You see how confusing that is? I am the same person. I have not changed. But put me in a slightly different environment, and my perspective has changed. And not just a slight change, 180 degree change. Literally complete opposite. So what is the point? If you met me in August and listened to my emphatic argument you would assume I maintained a belief that the wind is best to run against. But it's not my belief, it just happened to be my perspective on the day you met me. 

So what do we believe? In a world where a fickle perspective is spouted as a new #truth everywhere we turn, how can we filter through and understand what it all means? How do we know what is truth?  How can we know when our own words can add to the conversation, up-lift, help and benefit those around us?

So many questions, and we all must individually answer. We must all prove for ourselves what is truth and what is perspective. And we must do our best not to confuse one with the other.

Perspective: running against the wind is best

Perspective: running with the wind is best

Truth: There is wind. 

Hint: when you can eliminate opinion, emotion, environment, etc truth is clearer

There are many blessed with the ability to filter through information at a rapid pace. Recognize perspective and opinion for what it is, and identify what truth, if any, is being said. I personally know many individuals willing to use their blessing to preach, and openly share the love of Jesus. #goals

Much Love.

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