Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Estoy mejorando.

I mentioned previously, at the start of this block of Head & Neck, how I am attempting to make use of my time to try take care of myself a little bit. Well, whatever attempt I mustered was obliterated by having three calls in a 7 day period. And as a topper, throw a holiday into the midst of that week sandwiched by calls. I can keep it together at work, that’s not the issue. But by Sunday morning when I got myself home I felt sick until well into Tuesday. Thankfully, my next call has a little more space in between. Let my efforts to “take care of myself” actually maybe have a bit of effect, kind of, possibly.

I’ve been having fun picking my ENT cases while on the rotation. More ear cases. Tubes. Tonsils. Adenoids. Sinuses. Neck dissections and thyroids sprinkled in. Earlier this week we did a combined case with the Neurosurgeons. Drilled into the skull base right where some rather important nerves transverse to get access to a tumor for the Neurosurgeons.  The image was all projected onto a screen in 3-D imaging so everyone in the room could see what the surgeon was doing with her tiny drills. So cool. Granted I’ll never be doing something like that in my future, but super cool to see nonetheless.

I’ve learned that ENTs like snot. There’s always a favorite bodily fluid, even if you don’t admit to it. ENTs see so much snot. Does not change my opinion of it, gross.  I am glad there are surgeons out there willing to dig through it. Even the gelatinous proteinaceous fluid they suck out of ears, borderline gross.

And, not a day goes by when I don’t get asked, “what are you doing here?” It’s usually a scrub tech or nurse that has popped their head into the ENT room for something. They notice me, do a double take, probably second guessing if they walked into the right room, once satisfied that it is in fact me who’s out of place and not themselves, they then ask the afore mentioned question. I’ll be honest, I’m starting to get a bit annoyed having to answer, but have to admit, it’s at least a justified question. I am kind of out of place in an ENT room.

Much Love.

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