Sunday, December 22, 2019

Estoy presentando nuestra investigacion.

Our yearly research day was this past week. I dutifully put together an abstract for submission, and then was subsequently ecstatic when it was not accepted for presentation. It ment I would not have to take the time to put together a presentation nor poster, and then would not have to present said presentation or poster. Yasssss! Another project I am working on was submitted by my co-resident, it was accepted. But when he texted me at the beginning of the week asking if I would present for him, as he had to be out of the country, I ignored it for a day. Maybe if I don't say anything, it'll be like he never asked. No such luck... he just asked again the following day. So despite my best efforts, I again had a presentation during the research day.  Thankfully the study is easy enough to explain and understand, no one asked any questions.

By the time I sat down again, I had pictures sent to me from 4 different attendings. Thanks...I guess.


I'm still a little confused as to why this is a thing...
But not going to spend the energy to figure out why, so there ya go.

Much Love.

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