Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Estoy compartiendo mis pensamientos sobre la navidad.

This holiday season I have been mulling over the meaning it holds for me, for each of us, and for everyone else. Prompted in half by Hudson Taylor releasing their Christmas song "How I know its Christmas." and half by someone simply asking me that question. What does Christmas mean to you?

I love Christmas, and was troubled by the fact that I found I could not really pinpoint why. I was also troubled that, it could not be a blanket all-encompassing reason, as Christmas is celebrated nations around the world, and its meaning would be affected by cultures, family status, location, etc and then there are many that don't even celebrate the holiday. Which, that led me down a whole different rabbit hole, not the topic at the moment though.

I was blessed to be able to fly to Illinois for a weekend to celebrate with the family.

I was struck by the winter landscape flying into Bloomington airport. So different than the hilly landscape covered with trees, and homes of Westchester which I had just left. The love I have for the Midwest and this land can not be understood by simply visiting, as my love is strongly affected by nostalgia. The beauty I see in the prairie comes from stepping out for a run and having your path literally fade into your own horizon. The world is big and open and free here. And I was happy, and it was Christmas.

I thought about Home. Is "Home" what Christmas means to me? God has taught me a lot over the past decade about Home. He has broken me down and moved me around enough that "Home" is no longer tied to a specific location. He made real for me, the commonly quoted cheesy phrase of "Home is where the heart is." And, as long a Jesus is with me, I am home. So.... not home. Because flying to a specific place or being in the hospital or not does not alter what Christmas means to me.

I thought about family. But there again, is a concept, God has molded over the past decade. I spend the most amount of my time with my work family, try to steal as much time with my church family as possible and visit my immediate family whenever physically possible. But I dearly love each one, and no matter which family I am with over the holiday, Christmas means the same to me. So... not family either.

I thought about Jesus. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. God born as a meek and lowly babe. I feel guilty, Yes, that is what Christmas should be to me. But of my 34 years, I have never really celebrated it as my Saviour's birthday party. So to claim it now would feel false and I would be ashamed of myself for not being honest. Significance maybe. The significance of Christmas to me is Christ's birth. Jesus made approachable to each of us even in our most weak and vulnerable state. But... I'm still stuck, what does that mean for me?

I went over the aspects of Christmastime, hoping to shed some clarity on my answer. Christmas caroling: singing for others especially home to home, spreading cheer, sharing love, letting those caroled to know that they are remembered and valued. Christmas lights: warmth and love and light where was previously cold darkness. Gift giving: desire to grant each others wishes and fill hearts with delight and happiness, an excuse to exhibit materially the love we feel for each other. The DrummerBoy: when there is no money for material gifts, he played his drum for him, he did his best for him, and he was loved for it. Christmas cookies: made not for oneself, but deliciousness to share with those you love. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas: wanting to lift spirits and spread love and laughter to those around you.

I began to notice a common theme: it was Love. Of course it was Love. The answer to all of our questions, worries and wonderings. Is. Love. The world over, not bound by cultural barriers, the Love of Christmas is celebrated. Not limited by location, life situation, or company. Humanity uses the Christmas season to spend time with and remember those they love, share and give out of love, spread warmth and light and love to the world around them.

God is Love, and what better reason to celebrate Jesus birth, than to share and celebrate with others a Love so great that he gave his only begotten son as a baby for each and everyone of us.
This is what Christmas means to me. 


 A few pictures from my trip home to Illinois:

Peter Bear, Little Lincoln and Miles Austin ready to go swimming!!

Peter Bear with some intense Jenga focus.

There's more than one way to knock over a tower!

This makes me so happy!

Much Love.

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