Saturday, September 21, 2019

Estoy mirando al futuro.

The pediatric-age human body has two main jobs 1) Growth and 2) Adaptation. Both of which it can, and does, achieve with speed and efficiency. This, combined with the fact that Pediatric disease is incredibly rarely ever self-inflicted, are defining characteristics of the field. In other words, and to put it bluntly, it is very hard to kill a kid. No matter what life throws at them, they can adapt, heal and recover.

But sometimes, the never happens anyways.

I love Pediatric Surgery. Quite honestly, if I were smart enough, I'd pursue the fellowship before developing myself in Global surgery. There's so many kids in this world that have surgical disease and without help... there's only so far even the pediatric body can adapt.

As hard as it is to light another candle in heaven, it is twice as hard to find a flower among those candles. If I could help limit those flowers, then praise God!

Much Love.

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