Monday, April 1, 2019

Estoy corriendo.

The sour unsettling of my stomach resolved and moved on to plague another unsuspecting individual elsewhere. I didn’t miss it and busied myself the remainder of March enjoying a month of pure operating. I would head to the OR bright and early, in time for the MidHudson OR to get up and running. I would then stay and only leave once all the cases were done and rooms shut down for the day. For the most part that ment a full day. But on the rare occasion, cases ended early and I would find myself with a Spring afternoon and no further case pending. I took advantage.
 The Rail Trail

 Looking South down the Hudson from the Walkway Over the Hudson

 Looking South down the Hudson from the Walkway Over the Hudson

Due to our 24hr call schedule  that was implemented this year I have been able to use the majority of my post call days to run in the afternoons. Done more out of need for sanity than for bodily wellbeing. My own personal self-therapy session. With music in my ears, and eyes focused on the path in front of me, I pass the time mulling over interactions and issues, decisions made or failed and attempting to solve the world’s problems in my head, all the while, willing my coronaries to fill and blood to flow and heart to strengthen. Doing what I can to withstand the grind and survive the system.

I’m back at Westchester now. Back to reality. I need to go for a run!

Much Love.

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