Thursday, April 11, 2019

Estoy sanando.

I've been sporting some new jewelry lately.
The colorful cartoons were an added embellishment for the photo ;) I keep to the flesh colored ones on the regular. You can guess what happened. Part of the hazard of the job I guess. Thankfully it was a new blade, nice and clean and super sharp! I was actually over in anatomy lab when it happened. We cracked open the first aid kit and wrapped up my hand so I could finish my superficial parotidectomy and radical neck dissection. Hours later, after the lab was finished, I finally took down the bulky dressing and as expected, was still hemorrhaging. I'm pretty sure I had taken out my digital arteries. Not the worse thing, nerves were still intact, arteries at least can build up collaterals and revascularize. This is where having friends who are surgeons comes in handy. I got my own supplies together, set up down in the trauma bay and called one of my friends to come and stitch me up. Didn't care how it looked, just wanted it to stop bleeding finally.

My fingers have been healing up nicely. I put multiple layers of tegaderm around my fingers prior to scrubbing in for surgery. It's unfortunate that it happened on my dominant hand as it gets used so much. At the beginning, by the end of the day, my hand would be incredibly sore and throbbing. But like I said, they are healing up well and the soreness is getting better each day.
 My friends are good surgeons. You can hardly tell anymore!

Much Love.

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