Friday, April 29, 2016

Estoy perdiendo mi pelo.

I lit my hair on fire the other day.

It was just a little bit and it was real quick. It was actually over with by the time I realized what had happened. And even then I was still in denial until I ran my hand through my hair and it came out covered with seared off broken bits of hair. And after picking through it left half curls all over my bathroom floor.

My hairdryer kind-of blew up in my hand. It had been sounding weird for weeks, and sounding like it was dying for days. I have now learned there is a time when it's too late to replace your hair dryer. *face palm*

My month of nights is finally starting to wind down. Two more nights! Tonight and then back for Sunday night yet! It's been a good month, all-in-all. The nights have been gentle on us, considering.  Yet I am still very much looking forward to moving on.

Much Love.

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