Sunday, April 17, 2016

Estoy disfrutando recuerdos.

We put an emergent hemodialysis catheter into a patient in the ED a few days ago. He was beyond rotund, the layers of extra tissue on his body making it difficult to reach correct vasculature capable of supporting the line he needed. Blood rolled off his body, spilled from the hole we had just made. As his body was larger than the stretcher I watched, as if in slow motion, as two fat drops fell through the air to land on my Danskos. Plop!  Plop!

I can still see the outline of those fat drops on my Danskos. Everytime I glance down and see them I'm reminded that I had wanted to tell you about him. About this large gentleman with his mind so confused by the toxic levels of waste in his blood. But then they also remind me that I'm too late. That this gentleman was days ago, I've missed the opportunity to tell his story. And then furthermore... why on earth haven't I cleaned my shoes yet?!?!?!

I unfortunately have a couple of missed stories over the past week or so. But priorities kept getting rearranged. I mean... take today for example. I was going to blog this afternoon, but then this happened.
Blog inside vs hold baby outside.  What would you have chosen?

The following are a few random photos I have been meaning to share over the past couple of weeks. 

Myself with two of my co-residents one night after work (Dzeba, me, Bronstein).
I joined Marcy B. and Amanda V. for an walking Italian Food Tour of the North End in Boston.

L to R: Kinzie, Amanda V., Marcy B. and myself enjoying our cannoli.

And last but definitely not least... MY LOUPES CAME THIS WEEK!!  I'm so excited. hehehehe

I can't stop laughing when I see this!! Do I look like a surgeon yet?

Much Love.

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