Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Estoy enseñando.

The days go up, and then they go down. Way way up and then down down down. It's like a roller coaster. You just have to hold on for the peaks and the troughs to turn.

The other day I can't even tell you if we were headed up or down, because whichever direction it was... it was fast. It started with a trauma activation calling me out of the OR. And before we could get through that trauma another was coming in, and so it continued. A few medical students had responded to the initial trauma page as well, and then when things proved to be picking up had stayed with me in the ED. By the end of the day they confessed that it was, "The best day of medical school ever!" It really makes a part of me smile to see them so excited. There is a part of me that likes the teaching aspect.

Nowadays scrubbing into a surgery or procedure is as easy as dressing myself. A while ago, I had turned to a medical student and asked him to scrub himself in.  He didn't know how. In the OR you have a scrub tech help you to scrub in, but if there's no one to help you have to scrub yourself in. It took me aback that he didn't know how.  I wondered, how did I learn. Sure enough it was medical school. And I realized that this is his impromptu course. This is his learning how to scrub himself in, and I get to be the teacher.

Here's a few pictures from a beautiful Connecticut sunset a few weeks ago!  I'm just posting them now simply because I kept forgetting before. :)

Much Love.

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