Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I spent some time looking through all the pictures taken in Bermuda. Not much effort was needed on the editing side of things.  It's almost as if the sun shines and the island smiles in return. Picture perfect already.
 A place to sit.  A story to share.

18 in. The world's smallest drawbridge.

 Just wide enough for the mast of a sailboat to pass through.

 Queen's view.

 Gibb's lighthouse.

 A place to sit. A story to share.

 What storms those walls have weathered!

An alleyway gated off, is just asking to be explored!

 Somers' Garden

 Somers' Garden.

Royal Naval Dockyard. Casemate Barracks. Clocktower.

Family at Horseshoe Bay.


Must. Climb. Rocks. For future reference, flip flops drastically limit one's ability to explore among sharp rock such as on Bermuda.

Pink sand. 

 View of Horseshoe Bay from the South Rd.


 Looking towards the Eastern end of the island.

Bermudian sunrise.

Commissioner's House.

 Farewell to Bermuda.

Farewell to Bermuda.

And last but not least. Bermudian sunset as the boat starts to head home. There's a couple dolphins jumping if you can catch them! ;)

Much Love.

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