Saturday, December 8, 2012

Yo estoy temblando.

Week one of Pediatrics done.  In the morning I spend my time in the walk-in clinic.  It's actually my preferred part of the day.  All of the patients are Spanish speaking.  A few looked as if they would be fine with English but if you ask them they immediately say Spanish, so we oblige.  The other students are starting to realize they can use my Spanish to their own advantage and have started pushing patients off on me.  Honestly I don't really mind.  The kids are all so cute, and I had actually started to miss speaking Spanish in the 3 months away from Sound Shore doing electives. 

Once I was gushing over the cuteness in a little toddler dressed in a candy cane looking sleeper, and glanced up to see another student rolling her eyes.  I chuckled to myself at her hard see, she's a pediatric nurse practitioner student, and with that attitude about kids, she's got a looooooong career ahead of her. 

In addition, my Spanish has gotten quite rusty during the hiatus.  I may be speaking and carrying on but in my head I'm thinking, "Whoops! that was a mistake....aaaand there's another....and yup 3, all in one sentence. Boy I'm on a role!"  So, I guess the practice is good for me. :)

In the afternoons I switch over to a wellness clinic.  Even the name doesn't make sense to me.  Wellness?  What are well kids doing seeing a doctor?  Don't worry, I adjusted.  I ask all the needed questions. Test all the needed physical aspects.  Plot all the growth.  Check all the milestones.  And the whole time I'm thinking, what a healthy child, go home!  But then again they need their vaccinations, and if we didn't check we'd miss that one child falling off the charts, so....I just think it and smile.

I enjoyed the overly dramatic antics of a 9 yr old in for her wellness visit one afternoon.  At one point while the doctor was finishing up with her visit she mentioned the dentist.  To which the girl gasped and exclaimed! "Noooooo!  Yuck! I don't like the dentist!  I don't like dentists! Or nurses!  Or doctors!" She then paused to use both arms to make circles in my direction and said, "Except, for this!" 


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