Monday, October 29, 2012

Yo estoy esperando la tormenta.

I've still got power this morning so figured I better make use of it.  Many tried to convince me to just stay in CT to ride out the storm but a combination of factors brought me back to the city last night.  Heading South on 95 had never been so empty.  What has been bumper to bumper traffic on a Sunday night before was wide open last night.  I don't know how much of the hype to believe.  Could be that the residents just remember the storm that slammed the area last year this time and are reacting accordingly.  Gas stations were being drained starting back the end of last week.  Or could it be just that I've never actually experienced a storm like this and am underestimating the power it creates.  Either way I knew that even if I stayed in CT I'd constantly be wondering what was happening back home.  Plus I'd left a window open....probably not good for the inside contents during a hurricane.  Had contemplated going to the hospital for the morning at least, but then lost motivation for that when everything else seems to be closed/cancelled for today and tomorrow so emailed them a 'see ya later and be safe.'  So I'm at home, window shades all up allowing me a good 6th floor view of the gray cloud coverage tumbling West and of the trees begin to dance as the winds pick up.  I saw sparks fly once across the street and rolled my eyes thinking, "Really!!! The storm hasn't even "started" yet!!"  I brought a guitar back with me from CT this weekend so figure if I lose power I can switch back and forth between studying and playing...all by candlelight!  Que romantico!

The clouds just changed direction!!! Oh boy!

In church on Sunday, common theme was 'preparing for the storm'.  Rather fitting! ;)  And for demonstration A.....Hurricane Sandy!


1 comment:

Schlipf family said...

praying for you and all to find God as your "shelter in a time of storm".. also anxious to hear how it goes. love and prayers.